| FLE | Research | Development | News | Presentations | Contacts | Suomeksi |

Medialaboratory, University of Art and Design, Helsinki

The Fle-Tools supports following learning practices:

  1. Knowledge managing and sharing;

  2. Collaborative problem-solving, knowledge building and development of metacognitive skills;

  3. Collaborative construction of digital artifacts;

  4. Individual and group investigation and discovery;

  5. Course and team construction and maintenance.


The Fle-Tools contains five modules

  1. WebTop - Personal open desk top in the web to store and share digital materials

  2. Knowledge Building - Asynchronous conferencing system with 'Categories of Inquiry' and different searching capabilities (by date, person, category of inquiry, users own notes, answers to own notes)

  3. Jam Session - Asynchronous multi-user environment for collaborative design, writing, software development, etc. (you name it :)

  4. Library - Adaptive medium to publish and browse multimedia course materials

  5. Administration - Tools for administer users, groups, courses and course materials


| FLE | Research | Development | News | Presentations | Contacts | Suomeksi |