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WiFly connected to Windows Phone

I bought a WiFly Arduino shield. This is Wifi module enable Arduino to connect to internet directly. In this post, the shield connets to Windows Phone. How exciting module it is!

Please note that this post is not yet proving that your windows phone app can communicate with Arduino. It just shows the connection is established.

Start internet sharing on Windows Phone

  • Open Internet Sharing in the Setting application
  • Turn on Sharing
  • Open Setup
  • Choose Security type as none(open)

WiFly to connect to Windows Phone

  • Install WiFly Arduino library
  • Upload SpiUartTerminal from example (File > Examples > WiFly > tools). This allows you to configure RN-131C WiFi module through Arduino.
  • Install Zterm (a terminal application for Mac) and connect the Arduino. In my case, the Serial Monitor in Arduino Software didn’t work properly.
  • The default UART setting is 9600 baydrate, 8 bits, No Parity, 1 stop bit and hardware flow control disabled. Zterm default setting should be the same.
  • Here is commands to connect to Windows Phone.

$$$: to enter command mode. WiFly will return “CMD” if its successful. the rest of command will return “AOK” if successful. If not, “ERR”.

set wlan ssid <Broadcast name of Windows Phone internet sharing>: Define network name that WiFly is connecting to.

set wlan auth 0: Set Authorication mode to Open (Default)

join <the Broadcase name>: Join the network. The WiFly will return IP information after a while.

leave: Disconnect from the current SSID network

exit: to exit the command mode. It will return “EXIT”.

  • When the connection is established successfully, the Windows Phone shows 1 in Guest connected in internet sharing.

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2 Responses

  1. Tamara Gomes says:

    You’ve done some test, or know of any programs that Android can connect to this set Arduino + WiFly?

    I have this same set, only wanted to control it via wifi direct OS Android phone Samsung Galaxy SII.

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