/* Serial Server language: processing This program makes a connection between a serial port and a network socket. created 26 Mar. 2007 updated 26 Jun. 2007 by Tom Igoe */ import processing.serial.*; import processing.net.*; int socketNumber = 9001; // the port the server listens on Server myServer; // the server Client thisClient; // the reference to the client that logs char terminationString = 13; // the string that the client sends // to cause the server to disconnect // into the server Serial myPort; // the serial port you're using String portnum; // name of the serial port String outString = ""; // the string being sent out the serial port String inString = ""; // the string coming in from the serial port String socketString = ""; // string of bytes in from the socket int receivedLines = 0; // how many lines have been received in the serial port int bufferedLines = 5; // number of incoming lines to keep int lf = 13; // ASCII linefeed void setup() { size(400, 300); // window size // create a font with the second font available to the system: PFont myFont = createFont(PFont.list()[2], 14); textFont(myFont); // list all the serial ports: println(Serial.list()); // based on the list of serial ports printed from the //previous command, change the 0 to your port's number: portnum = Serial.list()[1]; // initialize the serial port: myPort = new Serial(this, portnum, 9600); // buffer until a newLine: myPort.bufferUntil(lf); // start the server: myServer = new Server(this, socketNumber); // Starts a server } void draw() { // clear the screen: background(0); text("This program is written by Processing.", 10, 20); // print the name of the serial port: text("Serial port: " + portnum, 10, 50); // Print out what you get: text("From serial port: " + inString, 10, 110); text("From socket: " + socketString, 10, 130); // if the client is not null, and says something, display what it said: if (thisClient !=null) { // print out the current client: text("Active client: " + thisClient.ip(), 10, 60); // read what the client said: String whatClientSaid = thisClient.readString(); if (whatClientSaid != null) { // save what it said to print to the screen: socketString = whatClientSaid; // send what it said out the serial port: myPort.write(socketString); } } } // this method runs when bytes show up in the serial port: void serialEvent(Serial myPort) { // read the String from the serial port: String whatSerialSaid = myPort.readString(); //String whatSerialSaid = myPort.readStringUntil(lf); if (whatSerialSaid != null) { // save what it said to print to the screen: inString = whatSerialSaid; // if there is a netClient, send the serial stuff to them: if (thisClient != null) { // put a zero byte before and after everything you send to Flash: thisClient.write(terminationString); // send the actual text string: thisClient.write(inString); // add the end zero byte: thisClient.write(terminationString); } } } void serverEvent(Server myServer, Client someClient) { if (thisClient == null) { // don't accept the client if we already have one: thisClient = someClient; } }