Proteus - Live Design Tool

For example of use, please see:

Proteus Demo Video 1: Building Rooms from Reina Magica on Vimeo.

Proteus Demo Video 2: Talking to characters, and pathtracking from Reina Magica on Vimeo.

Proteus Demo Video 3: Live design changes from Reina Magica on Vimeo.

Proteus Demo Video 4: More live changes, textures, colours, and walls from Reina Magica on Vimeo.


Minimal graphics requirements - Intel HD Graphics 3000.  Recommended processing level - Intel Core i7-2640M@2.80GHZ and higher.  This software has been tested on Windows Vista and Windows 7 in 2014.   It can run on Windows in Mac and on Windows on PC.  Please inquire if any other versions are needed to r.magica at gmail dot com


There are two versions, a basic version and one version with a predesigned deck.

Please download the basic version for your resolution if your computer is running slowly, where you can design your own deck before running in VR. 

Basic Version:

Decorated version:

The deck of the predesigned version is also editable, but will run slowly in VR unless running on recent computers.

The game software needs the .exe and folder to load.  Please select the correct resolution for your PC, download, and copy the same named .exe and folder onto the same directory/desktop/location on your computer.  Once the files are on your computer, just double click the .exe to start the software.  If using the Oculus Rift, please turn on and place in forward direction before starting executable (See Oculus Rift instructions below).

Some features, such as mission mode and viewing in VR, require an Oculus Rift development kit.  To view without an oculus rift in non-VR version, and extra screen is needed.


?     If feeling sick or nauseous while using Oculus Rift, please take off the device.

?     Please try the Oculus Configuration Utility if problems persist, see  Download:

?     Please sit on a stable chair while using the Oculus device, preferably a chair wth armrests.

?     Please do not use the Oculus for extended periods of time.  I recommend trying the Oculus 5-10 mins at a time and not over 30 minutes in one session.

?     Oculus Rift may cause some disorientation, headache, nausea after removing the device.  This is due to the need for visual readjustment.


Setting up Oculus Rift


1.    Attach the correct lenses to Oculus Rift.  Normal sighted people use A lenses.  Mildly short-sighted users use B lenses.  See Oculus Rift support website for more details.

2.    Plug the Oculus to a power suppy, plug one visual output cable (HDMI for example) from the oculus unit to your computer.  Plug the USB cable from the Oculus unit to your computer.

3.    Turn the device on, making sure the Headset is level and facing the direction to which you will use the device.  If the calibration is wrong, turn off Oculus Rift unit and turn on again, with the Headset in the direction you will be using.  This is the 0 point from which head movement and tilting is based.


Instructions for using Proteus Demo


When you load Proteus, you will be met with the designer interface for the ship.   The ship comes with prebuilt items such as walls, that you can move, delete, rotate, etc.


Mouse operation

Left button: Click to select

Middle scrolling wheel = Zoom in/Zoom out

Right button: Click drag to rotate


All your designs can be saved in the pause menu.  Press P to pause, and click “Save Game” to save.  To load a certain design, press P to bring up the menu, and click on your saved game to load.  Press P to exit menu.



1.    Select an object on the scene as a goal (end point for player, please select something difficult to reach if you just want to explore the environment)

2.    Click “Create Mission”

3.    Click “Set goal”

4.    Click “Start mission”


Buttons on the menu explained:

Deselect– Deselect an object/room/wall/floor

Delete selected– Delete an object/room/wall/floor

Snap ON/OFF– Snap to the grid while moving, on or off

Add Room– Add a generic square room onto the scene

Add Wall– Add a wall into the scene

Add Floor– Add a floor into the scene

Objects – Open the objects panel.  When you click an object, adds it to the scene

*Note: Some objects with default textures cannot be coloured or textured

Move– Move an object/room/wall/floor

Rotate– Rotate an object/room/wall/floor

Scale– Scale an object/room/wall/floor

Set Name– Set a name for a room

Colour Panel– Set a colour for an object/room/wall/floor

*Note: Some objects with default textures cannot be coloured or textured

Texture– Set a texture for an object/room/wall/floor

*Note: Some objects with default textures cannot be coloured or textured

2D View– Switch the view to 2D top down view

3D View– Switch the view to 3D topside view

Ship View– Switch the view to zoomed out view of deck

Blueprint ON/OFF– Turn architectural blueprint ON/OFF

Grid ON/OFF– Turn measurement and snap grid ON/OFF

Light ON/OFF– Turn the general lights on ship ON/OFF

Play/Stop Tide– Play or stop tide movement of water (speed and angle adjustable)


Create Mission– Opens up the mission panel.   Click an object or room, set it as a goal, and start the mission

Chat– Type messages that appear on heads of avatars/NPCs in the scene when player meets them

Deck 1/Deck 2– Switch to Deck 1 or Deck 2


The automatic features on Proteus are: Automatic user path-tracking, time and interaction data logging (which rooms the player visits, which items or characters they have interacted with)

Mission creation


The “Create Mission” button is how you start a VR testing session.  Basically you need to set a target for the player, allocate the player position, and then start the mission to start VR testing.


There are several buttons on this screen:


Set as goal- Select an object or room, and set that as the goal/endpoint for the player by clicking the “Set as goal” button.  The mission will end when the player finds this goal


Player start position - Clicking this button shows you the current player position.  You can drag on the label “Player” to move him to a different starting position


Start mission - Start the user testing


Return to design - Return to Design without running the mission


Mission objective, Set text - This is a text the player can read on the screen when the mission starts.  Type some comments or instructions, and click “Set text”.


The Mission menu is your entry to the VR Experience.  Anytime you want to check your design in VR, please make sure a mission is currently running.  If the player has finished the mission, the design needs to be reset to run another mission.


Known errors

Character two has behavioural errors. Eye colour in Character one may be scary pink. Glow on floor is too light to see when selected.