
September 10, 2004

Cenzura / sensuuri


Cotinuing the last post - this is the view from the coridor in our new home. I get vertigo when I look down, Kaitsu holds to the wall when he's walking along it. It is 10th floor and the balcony rail is waist-high... In any other place in the world, there would be glass or some kind of protection. Not here... No wonder falling is a favorite way to die...

And now because of a special occassion in Lithuanian: Siandien apturejom diskusija su Kaitsu - jis prasitare kolegoms, kad ash rashau dienorashti Internete ir visi labai uzhsimane ji paskaityti. O.. o... Kaitsu teko suktis ir irodineti, kad tai skirta tik musu sheimynoms ir draugams namie.. (chia tiek prirashyta dalyku apie Kaitsu darba, musu nuotaikas, etc, kad Kaitsu tikrai butu ne kas, jei kas nors ish jo bendradarbiu perskaitytu...) Tada Kaitsu pradejo jaudintis, o kas bus, jei jie suras shita dienorashti per Google ar pan.. Vienu zhodzhiu, dilema tokia - kaip rashyti pakankamai diplomatishkai, kad niekas neisizheistu ir niekam nepakenkchiau, bet kartu papasakochiau istorijas, kurios shiuo metu vyksta... Priesh tai jau teko cenzuruoti viena irasha apie vienu draugu draugu siaubinga kolonialistini elgesi, nes, ka daryt, jei draugai ras? hmm.. Gal kas turit ideju?

And in Finnish: Tannan keskusteltiin kaitsun kansa - han kerroi tyokavereille etta ma olen kirjoitamassa verkko paivakirjan, kaikki, tietenkin, heti halui lukea sen. Kaitsu joutui selittamaan etta se on tarkoitettu vain kotivaelle. (Sehan on tayna epatoivoisia ja tosi kriitisia juttuja Kaitsun tyosta. Olisi tosi paha jos joku hanen toista lukisi sen). Mutta. Dilemma on se, etta mitenhan ma kirjoitan tarpeeksi diplomatisesti, nain etta ei kuka suutuisi, mutta kuitenkin kerroisin rehelisesti kaikki tarinat. Mitahan pitaisi tehda? Kirjoita liettuaksi ja suomeksi, mutta se kesta aikaa ja miten kaikki muut kaverit jotka ei puhu niita kielia? Vielakin on asia etta mulla ei oo mitaan special charactersia tassa konessa.. Ideoita?


Today we ate mooncake. It is a pastry filled (traditionally) with lotus paste and egg yolk, but currently you can all kinds of fillings: nuts, red bean, yam, no egg yolk, etc. This is the only season in a year when you can get them. It symbolises the end of the Hungry Ghost month. There's special stories about these cakes, one love, another prisoner story. In the old days some famous rebels were exchanging notes hidden in the cakes and that brough about revolution in China (one explanation) or then just some couple was writing love notes to each other (don't know about the end of this story). Anyway, it makes a perfect sales item. Now all the bakeries and shops make a little extra money by selling these delicacies to all the sweetteeth (just like during Valentines, Christmass, etc...) I remember that back in Finland I used to remember that "oh, the Father's day is approaching" when the papers were filled with ads of bathrobes and checkerboard slippers. Nice that something reminds about the change of seasons... Its easy to forget about that here - it's been steady 30C-32C degrees for 3 weeks.

And tomorrow we're going to Malaysia afterall!!! Getting up at 5am... Good night!

Posted by gkligyte at September 10, 2004 08:30 PM
Na, "jei jie is ten isleks, tai bus Giedres nuopelnas..." tai mano pirmoji mintis, kai pradejau skaityti... Truputi (labai truputi) paskaiciau literaturos apie Singapura ir apskritai apie Azija, supratau, kad reikia daugiau klausyti, nei sakyti. Ka daryti ekspresyviai europietei??? G. Posted by: Giedrius on September 11, 2004 02:18 AM
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