
September 28, 2004

Mattress saga continues...


We went to Botanical Gardens on Saturday and as our "doings something together" often go, Kaj is showing me his back. Can't recall now what it all was about, was he angry here or was I, but the orchards turned out nice.



Although many people claim that Leijonakaupunki is a very sterile, artificial and overly "cultured" place, we've been enjoying our quick getaways to nature quite a lot. It it extremely easy to find a spot of "wilderness", where you can see how Leijonakaupunki would look like if the concrete and asphalt would be removed. So far we really can not complain that Leijonakaupunki is boring (many claim so). It is not true that you can only shop or go eating in here. There's all kinds of things to do. There were birds and squirels among the trees and you could barely hear the trafic.. :)



However our idylic weekend has been tainted by the trouble with our mattress purchase. Kaj is very serious about his sleeping. Since we came to Leijonakaupunki he has bought 3 pillows already and I think deep in his heart he's still looking for "a proper pillow"... The same went for the mattress - ours is a bit plasticky and not too comfortable. Since last week's Thursday we had 2 mattresses delivered and both of them had wrong kind of material on them. First I thought I should praise Leijonakaupunkilainen customer service, because they replaced the "wrong" mattress without any whining, but after I think about it again, they'd do a better job knowing what kind of goods they have in their storage rather than "sorting it out" afterwards. After all we canceled the whole deal and went for another shop. We'll see what they deliver tomorrow.

In general, customer service is perfect in here - the call centers answer, the shops change stuff for you if you're unhappy.. I remember hanging on the phone in Finland, calling HTV or Sampo or, worse, police or "alien" immigration offices... I guess it all comes down to labour costs, but first I was shocked to see how easy it is to solve things in here...



Walking in Little India I was yet another time amazed how culturally rich, beautiful and diverse this place is.



This is in Little India too. I'm sure this shop was crammed with stuff till the back wall. I've seen truck loads of computer monitors and old computers around in Little India. Do they sell them? Where do they put them? Do they check them before selling, do these machines work? I don't know. What if you want something that is 3 meters deep in this shop? No wonder there's so many computer talents coming from India. It is IN the culture!

Posted by gkligyte at September 28, 2004 06:23 PM
Yeah, Borzin, I don't mind if you send the link to your friend. I guess that's the point - to get my share of fame and glory.. :) It is always very nice to hear that somebody likes it. Posted by: Giedre on October 5, 2004 09:10 AM
Labuks, O tai tau matai kur nukakai :) Matyt ten baisiai viskas kitaip :) Puikus dienorastis!!! Komplimentai!!! Linkejimai Kaifui. Atsiusiu ir tau keleta fotkiu is Tevynes. Smagumelis, iki Posted by: Gediminas Dizaino Aukso Fondas on October 5, 2004 02:47 AM
Hello Gierde, I have been enjoying your side quiet alot. Its great to learn more about Singapore in this way. Keep up the good work. I was thinking to give this url to a friend of mine who is travelling to Asia quiet much. Can i ? Geetings to Kaj. Peace Borzin Posted by: borzin on October 4, 2004 06:00 PM
Well you are not the only envious... we trade the colors in here for some of your food experiences. Mine are reduced not to play with Luna's stomach behaviours =) HUGS... and yes cool pics Posted by: abc on October 2, 2004 12:45 AM
wow, I'm getting popular.. :) Yeah, I especially liked the "OPEN" part. Posted by: Giedre on October 1, 2004 05:02 PM
Neat photos! Helsinki is getting colorful now, too but it's trees loosing leafs rather than flowers etc. My colleague uses the picture of the electronics shop as PC's wallpaper... Posted by: Misha on September 30, 2004 03:26 PM
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