
September 02, 2004

We got our home!!!


That's it! We found it! Our lovely new home! I still can not believe and understand how we got it - it is way better and nicer than anything that we saw within our price range. It is in a very peaceful residential location, high up, with great views from every room (!), with 3 bedrooms (that makes 4 rooms alltogether!), extremely nicely designed... We're still considering what may be wrong with the place - is there a massive construction coming next week that will keep us awake at nights and obscure the view? Will the agent do a runner with the deposit money? (David, Kaj's friend says it is very unlikely, people get hanged for lesser crimes here.. :) Well, maybe it was time for us to get lucky!


That is the view through the bedroom window.. It is pretty exceptional in Leijonakaupunki, believe me, I've seen some 40-50 apartments here.. We're still staying in the old house, although changed to another room. It feels good that in the morning I can wake up and do something, not call or be called by the agents all the time. I got a small asignment for the Senior Interactive Designer job application that I have sent out few days ago, so it keeps me busy right now. Next week they will see if I'm creative enough.. Finally things start happening for me too.

Kaj will be working on Saturday and Sunday this weekend, but next weekend we'll have to do a "visa run" for me, probably (my 30 days entry permission is expiring and because I was clever enough to forget my MA papers in Finland, we're late fixing imigration papers for me). Which is a good thing, it gives us an oportunity to go to Malaysia to the beach and most likely diving too!!

Finally things start going somewhere!!!

Posted by gkligyte at September 2, 2004 05:48 PM
O bugger! Looks fab. Have a naughty time in that bed, missus! It will be strange to visit Helsinki without seeing you. All the best with creativeness, Minna inna London town Posted by: Minna on September 8, 2004 10:28 PM
Grats from Helsinki! Oh, yeah. Nice bed... :) Posted by: peejii on September 8, 2004 03:07 PM
Looks really nice. Congrats! Helsinki is getting colder these days, lucky you.. Posted by: Misha on September 7, 2004 04:22 PM
Yesterday we got the keys and discovered a run down abandoned house behind the curtain on the left side... It clearly waits to be torn down and some new wonderful skyscraper will aparently be built in the place... I just hope it will take them couple of years to make up plans and we can move away by that time.. Damn.. I knew there's something wrong with the place... Posted by: Giedre on September 7, 2004 09:15 AM
gggg cool bed! Posted by: abc on September 6, 2004 11:28 PM
labas Giedre, jau tavo saunaus dienorascio linkas po interneta keliauja:) jega butas!!! turbut verta buvo ieskoti... sekmes! Posted by: Aiste on September 2, 2004 10:15 PM
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