
October 11, 2004

Birthday blues

My blog is under attack! Just noticed that there's spam in the comment area, check out the comments on 28 of September. I'm very distressed about this! Never heard of that and after googling around I found that it is a known problem and there are solutions. However, I think it is sick!


I had my 16th birthday last Friday (well, one year here or there, big difference!!) I have put our address to the sidebar of the blog (on the left, see?), just in case if somebody would like to send something.. :) Nothing came.. I'm so forgotten here in this God's forsaken place.. New technologies make interactions much easier for people, but in some ways destroys some nice practices... No birthday postcards, but e-cards these days... Thanks a lot, it was great to receive those (the sad thing is that I can not really glue them to my fridge..:) In fact, the birthday itself was quite depressing, the image on the left is my birthday dinner. Yes yes. Alone. Kaj was working till 24:00 that night. Don't try this at home (having birthday dinner alone), its actually no fun at all. Kaj had to try hard and "buy out his fault" of working 16 hours in a row (very expensively) next night. Thank you, Kaitsuli!



On Saturday we walked along the canal. It is very nice, if you come to Leijonakaupunki, we'll definitely go for a walk there. Once again, the old colonial stuff and new cutting edge architecture go nicely side by side. The image of me is completely staged and directed (Kaj told me to do everything, so my stupid looks is his fault), but behind me you can see the Esplanade Theater building. I've never been inside, but from the outside it looks really great - like a spiky durian (the famous stinky fruit) or a hedgehog (how do you spell it properly?) The only show they currently have is Mamma Mia! musical according to ABBA tunes. So maybe you don't wonder why we've never been inside.. I've read an article today criticising Asian cities allowing Western architects to mess around as if in their own playground all around the Asia. There's tens of star-architects involved in hundreds of constructions (especially in Beijing because of the Olympics, of course). The budgets are enormous, but the buildings are impractical and often become completely abandoned at the end, but on the other hand, I think it is nice to have that kind of special landmarks appearing instead of glass boxes everywhere.


On Sunday we took a boat to the Desaru beach in Malaysia. We saw some romantically burning oil platform on the way (so we thought), but later on it appeared to be some Indonesian cargo ship that has caught fire. There was a major rescue operation in the sea while we peacefully had our breakfast.



Couple of Kaj's colleagues are surfer "dudes" and they took as along to their first surfing trip of this monsoon season (it starts in late October and continues till February. During that time it rains a bit more often, gets a bit chillier, maybe average +27C degrees and on the West coast the waves get bigger). There's a wonderful surfing-white-sand beach destination within 45min boat trip from Leijonakaupunki and these guys go there almost every weekend. I hope we'll visit this beach about as frequently as they do this year!! Beats staying in a dusty hot city for a weekend, for sure!



Maybe there's still a chance for me to become a surfer "duddess". I tried a body-board, a small floating board that you just have to lie on and try to catch a wave (you can't stand on it, so its much easier than real surfing). Its a lot of fun, not just floating in water, but actually doing something, all the time looking for good wave to surf, paddling, etc... A new hobby? Thanks God, its cheap this time!! (after trying scuba-diving, windsurfing...:)


Reading on the beach looks (also in my memories) a bit nicer than what it really is - lots of sticky sand everywhere, crawling bugs, gusts of wind messing around with the book, but yes yes, I can bear this.. :)


So the birthday weekend was quite fantastic afterall.


Although a bit tiring...


But after getting to know Fity and Jean, Gary's and Sean's girlfriends, I think I will not have to be lonely on my next birthday, even if Kaj works!

Posted by gkligyte at October 11, 2004 09:41 PM
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