
November 09, 2004



Have a look at a fresh LECTURER in Temasek poly. I have been using this picture in my resume, sending it to maybe over 100 different places.. jeez, a common person in the street should recognize me by now... Kaitsu said that I look like a secretary or flight attendant, so friendly and encouraging person I am. I myself think that there's also something scary in this picture. The more I look, the scarier it becomes. Isn't there something crazy about this person? In the eyes especially? If you look longer, don't you start thinking that she's after no good? That's the friendliest look that I could squeeze out of myself.. Still no good.. Maybe that's why my job search lasted for 2 long months?


This is botanical garden again. It is quite close to our home and its really nice walking in there. Can you see turtles (one red) in the water and some climbing out to dry?.. Nice and peaceful! I feel so relieved after I signed the contract yesterday. Finally a steady job! Finally a salary every month coming to my bank account! I can afford to buy books! Such a luxury I couldn't think of for couple of years!!! Feels so GOOD, ah!

Up till Sunday night I wasn't sure which of the 2 jobs I'm going to take and afterall, I think both, the rational and unrational reasons were for the Temasek poly - the trip to work is shorter, the holiday is longer, I can start as soon as my papers are ready, the colleagues are very very nice, I'll get teaching experience and right now it is a much more graspable thing to do. Seriously, it is a JOB! I'm so excited about building my new routines and relationships with people, really, I can't wait to start..! I did the health check (they send unhealthy people out of the country) and I just need to wait for my employment pass to go through.. It should be December and then I can start! The rest of November is going to be easy and nice.. On Thursday we go to Thailand.


I have been stalking our neighbours - at 8am when you open the curtains, you see workers coming to the contruction site, children leaving to schools (can you see these huge backpacks, bigger than the kids themselves?!?), maids that are seeing the children going, parents taking taxis to their work. It is a very "expatriate area" that we live in. Our housing agent told that he rented an apartment in a house that is on the other side of the street for 6000SGD a month! It is 3000 euros! You hear these stories quite often, but I'm not sure how believable they are.. People getting amazing salaries, paying 10 000-20 000 SGD a year for a membership in a country club.. The concept of country club I find really hard to understand.. Its not even a home, nothing that you own, what, you go there to meet other rich people, play cards (hmm.. maybe that's not even allowed in Leijonakaupunki..) and have a drink after work? Excuse me... Can't you think of a better way to waste money?

Posted by gkligyte at November 9, 2004 02:23 PM
Pamela, kiitos onnitteluista, kirjoita mulle sun nykyainen posti-(katu)-osoiten sahkopostilla, sua odota yllatys! Hei, Minna, great to hear from you, I wish we'd hear more often from you! How is settling down in Seattle?! Posted by: Giedre on November 15, 2004 09:11 PM
Regards from Seattle! Good luck with a new job. Min Posted by: Minna on November 13, 2004 11:11 AM
Onnittelut! Mahtavaa! Vaikka eihän täällä kukaan edes epäillyt, ettetkö saisi töitä. Sain siis meilisi ja olen lukenut kuulumisianne. Palaillaan ja paljon terkkuja! Posted by: pamela on November 9, 2004 08:55 PM
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