December 20, 2004
Su sv. Kaledom!!! / Hyvää joulua!!!

So it is Christmas again.(This picture also shows off my new hair, I look like a Japanese punker now.. What do you think?) Not the first season in tropics, so we'll manage somehow. No real feeling of Christmas though.. And how could there be when it is steaming hot and blinding bright light all the time. Kaj wants to avoid buying presents and I somehow sympathize with him, Orchard road is a living hell these days - on Saturday I got stuck in a human jam in a tunel between shopping malls when I wanted to return books to the library. This mass of people wasn't moving anywhere, back or forwards, at all. The slow-walking Leijonakaupunkilaiset started getting on my nerves too (Kaitsu has been ranting about this for months..). People just walk slow here, slow and in the middle of the path, so that you cannot take over from any side. They also like to stop abruptly in the middle of the road, turn backwards and bump into you.. But I'd like to get a present, so I'll get something for Kaj and he'll have to get something back.. haha..

Otherwise, it seems that the agressive strategy of advertising our new address here with a kind demand to "send us something" was very fruitful! :) Our little altar is growing and it is a great pleasure to get all these beautiful thingies from you!! Thank You!!! I even got Lithuanian recipes book from my mom (if only I could find the ingredients, such as "potatoes".. :) well, no, you can get potatoes here, but everything else???) We've been shopping in IKEA for Abba siili (silke) and nakkileipaa (dziovinta rugine duona), ah, tastes so good... We're warmheartedly waiting for visitors who could import a healthy dose of ruisleipa (rugine duona), savustettua poronlihaa (rukyto siaures elnio) and puolikkaa (brukniu). Natalia and Borzin are coming for a very short visit in January, but they've been traveling in Thailand and Bali before that, so I think they'll be out of stock.. So please, if you have any chance, extra holiday or extra money, come for a visit (not only because of tuliaiset (lauktuviu)), we'd be very very happy to give you a roof above your head and a bowl of noodles.. :)

We've been celebrating my first salary last week and were supposed to go for a champagne brunch on Sunday, but wisely enough decided to go for a walk in Bukit Timah forest-jungle. Hangover free and sweaty choice it was.. I'm looking forward for our trip to Philippines very much (despite all typhoons and terrorist warnings.. argh.. not again..) we're leaving on Saturday! Don't know if I'll have a chance to write before that, but if not - Hyvaa joulua! Su Kaledom! Ir Naujaisiais Metais! Ja Hyvaa Uuta Vuota!

Habbo Hotel was finally launched in Singapore too! I learned about that from my students who were not listening, but figuring out how to get more credits in the hotel during the class... They were a bit annoyed that you have to pay for everything in there...
Posted by gkligyte at December 20, 2004 07:26 PM
Aciuuu uz linkejimus! Jums irgi graziu kuciu... Simet nebus nei sliziku, nei aguonpienio, neturim orkaites, tai negaliu ishsikept, be to niekur niekur nemachiau aguonu... Rytoj turim darbe kaledinius pietus. Planavau planavau, ka paruoshti ir kuo bendradarbius nustebinti, kad butu lietuviska.. Geriausia, aisku butu buve slizikai, bet teko apsiriboti silke (ir ta marinuota skandinaviskai, tai tokia saldi.. netikra..)
Ir shieno cia nera, zole visai kitokia, nera ilgu smilgu, cia zole tokia issisakojusi ir pazeme sliauzianti. Beje, vakar sutikau juoda gyvate per kelia slaiziancia. Taip kad priesh nulipant nuo betonuoto saligatvio, reikia gerai pagalvot, ar verta...
Mes vel pakeitem visus planus ir bilietus, tad per pacias kaledas liekam cia, skrendam i Filipinus tik 26a...
Graziai atsvest ir atsiuskit tu Kalediniu dvasiu.. Cionais viskas 5iom (ar 6iom) valandom anksciau..
Asta, tavo atviruka gavom vakar. Aciuuu!
Sveika, Giedrute, gal dar suras tave sita zinute pries iskeliaujant. Noriu palinketi idomios ir ne perdaug varginancios keliones, dar vienos neeilines Kaledos Jusu gyvenime tebunie dziugios ir idomios. Mes Kucias praleisime pas Norvyda, atskriskite mintimis pas mus! Koks gi laiko skirtumas tarp musu ir i kuria puse- visai nebesiorientuoju, geda man. Siuolaikines rysio priemones teikia vis daugiau galimybiu bendrauti, bet deja, bendravimas darosi vis labiau fragmentiskas ir atsitiktinis... Anksciau nors e-zinutemis pasikeisdavome, dabar rodos tik sis -vienpusis kanalas beliko...Na, geros keliones ir idomiu ispudziu jums abiems, lauksiu sugriztant.
Labai liuks sukuosena! Nepamirshk sliziku ishsikepti ir aguonu pieno pasidaryti:)
ir shiaudu po staltiese pasikishti.
Geru siltu kuciu ir kaledu! siunciu virtualia sniego sauja... linkejimai Kaj!
Labas Giedre!
Sveikinu Tave ir Kaitsu su Kaledom! Tikiuosi, kad tarp daugybes gauto pasto ir mano atvirute uzklydo pas jus:)
Mes va ryt isvaziuojam i Lietuva.
Siaip cia truputi pasnigo, tai vis tik turetu but baltos Kaledos, nors jau visai mazai vilties buvo....
Tai ka, linkiu gerai Jums pakeliaut po Filipinus ir nebut pagrobtiems:) Juodas humoras...
Ir Laimingu Nauju Metu! Linkejimai Kaitsu!