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May 15, 2005Golfing and blogging![]() Yesterday we went walking around the McRitchie reservoir and as the path goes along one of the numerous golf clubs, Kaj was very upset by the golfers. To his opinion, there are too many golf clubs in this country (in fact they're lining many of the beach areas, and, of course, normal people cannot enter those). He says that golf represents everything that he hates and that the day he will start playing golf we can shoot him. Ok, noted.. It is quite a contrast with Finland (and to certain extent Lithuania) where we have "every man's right" to access forests and water... Everybody can tresspass everywhere, pick mushroom and berries.. Here it is not uncommon to see a huge piece of empty land or forest and a notice board: "State land. Enter at your own risk". Whatever risk they mean... ![]() The path lead to the beautiful TreeTop walk and it was really nice! The walking bridge is hanging some 30m above the ground and only few trees have been chopped to give nice views to the visitors. Kaj got vertigo attack.. he he.. One more Leijonakaupunki attraction visited.. We're running out of ideas where to go and what to do!!!! Out of pure nostalgy I was browsing through some Finnish websites and I came accross this one. Wooooow.... There's everything that I miss (I'm sure Kaj will second me..). ![]() On the other hand we may need a reality check. Maybe we romanticise Finland and Lithuania too much (there was a reason why we left, wasn't there? :) This picture is taken in Lithuania on 15th July last summer (yeah, the middle of summer, can you imagine? It was about +15C then..) We're planning to come to Finland and Lithuania in the middle of July for couple of weeks, if we manage to organize our holidays. For me it will be in the middle of the school term, so I'd have to beg and plead and try to squeeze my teaching somehow.. Lets see if I succeed. There have been a lot of discussions about blogging in Leijonakaupunki lately. There were few recent scandals of bloggers posting inappropriate comments and it seems that they're trying to figure out the legal framework for controlling blogs. One of the bloggers posted racist comments (in a site under password!) and had to take them out and apologise (fair enough, I think), while another one criticised the national agency that gives out scholarships for students to study abroad. This guy went very close to a "defamation" libel suit. There seems also to be attempts to formalize blogging, get rid of the "subculture" aspects of it and reinforce again that "topics like politics, race and religion" are a no no. So, yes, either you filter your rants and become very cautious and reflective about the consequences, or, as the PM suggests: "the most secure blog you have is the Microsoft Word in your C drive." Ok, lah.. :) Posted by gkligyte at May 15, 2005 12:48 PMComments
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Posted by: hotel tuerkei on January 29, 2010 01:24 PM
wow, nice pictures on your website, Ludo! Much more systematic, I have to say.. he he.. Let the ang mohs browse this site, I'm more worried about my "boss" or "authorities"..:) Trying to keep to the rule that "don't write anything that you couldn't repeat in person".. Paranoid, I know... :) Lombok, Bali been already. ok lah?.. Btw, where about in the world are you? can or not?!?
Posted by: Giedre on May 25, 2005 11:52 PM
Anna, thanks a lot!! You found a great website!! No, haven't known about this guy, but will definitely read more into his stories... Just glancing through, I think he's (she's) got very similar sentiments about the place.. :)
Posted by: Giedre on May 22, 2005 07:34 PM
Hei, Ludo, thanks for the hints! Haven't been to any of those places, except Pasir Ris Park (to be precise, the Fishermen's Village, yummy!) Btw, just out of curiosity, how did you come across this blog? With what search keywords??? If you noticed, I'm not mentioning the name of the place.. hmmm.. Interesting...
Posted by: Giedre on May 22, 2005 07:32 PM
Giedre, have you noticed this one
or is he somebody you know, too? Anyway, there's some feelings from a dude who has just arrived back to Finland from Leijonakaupunki.
Posted by: AA on May 21, 2005 07:03 AM
comoe come please come!
Posted by: ABC on May 16, 2005 06:27 PM
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