
May 28, 2005

Kept animals


Mr(s) Tang Hin Ching voices his/her opinion in THE paper:

"...Operating in the laissez faire environment, Hong Kong people are like wild animals looking after their own survival in the jungle. Leijonakaupungilaiset are like kept animals, always looking to the Government for solutions and protection.

This analogy is not meant to insult Leijonakupungilaiset, but to illustrate the apparent excessive government control resented by many.

Western culture romanticises the wild animals as the epitome of personal freedom. In real life, many species of wild animals are doomed for extinction.

Buddhists release kept animals into the wild as an act of mercy. Unfortunately many perish shortly after their "emancipation". An overly liberalised Liejonakaupunki society may well end up with the same fate.

Kept animals should be given generous accommodation and freedom as the keeper can afford, but they should never be left in the wild.

Good governance is an invaluable asset for any society. In the case of Leijonakaupunki, it is critical to its very survival. We should treassure it and refrain from making unrealistic demands."

Posted by gkligyte at May 28, 2005 11:09 AM
Set your own life time easier take the mortgage loans and all you require. Posted by: WilderVivian on March 12, 2010 09:03 AM
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