Not lazy now, but soon will be!

Yes, lots of things have been happening that kept me from writing my blog.. Tonight I realized that if I don't write now, I won't be able to update my blog for a long time.. This is after I rushed back to work to complete one thing that I completely forgot about and that I had to do before the holiday.. Tomorrow we're leaving to Thailand for a "long weekend". After we come back in a short while I'm leaving for Japan. I ran out of pages in my passport (it is full of visas) and the closest Lithuanian embassies are in Beijing & Tokyo. A nice excuse to go to Japan - always dreamed about it, but it was always "too expensive", "too far", etc. I'm really looking forward to these holidays. It has been tough for a long time at work & it will be even tougher in November... I'm thrilled about experiencing another season - autumn in Japan. We've been in +32C scorching sunny environment for over a year now, its about time to see some colourful autumn leaves & experience moderate +20C temperature (I'm slightly worried, because I don't have a proper coat here.. :) And before that, a few days of lazing on the sandy shore (or a hammock?) by the ocean.. Yeah! :) Reading books! Yeah!

If you wondered why I wasn't updating my blog, here's the answer for you - Natalia with Kien (the cute white bundle in her arms..:) There was a lot to chat about, to see and do and somehow I didn't find a moment to sit down.. Besides that, for some time I was "passwordless", because Pekka reinstalled the blog software & then the mail server cooling system died.. To cut the long story short, here I am again.. :)

I think our stories about Leijonakaupunki are a bit biased. Natalia said that the city is exceptionally friendly for a mother with a baby. I've witnesed several occasions, when people jump and hand in a tissue when the baby throws up, or then you hear very concerned voices "baby this, baby that" when Natalia enters the bus and everybody magically gives way.. From the funny experiences, there were several Chinese "uncles" coming up to her to ask if the baby is not choking in this hippy-style cloth. I tried to inquire from my colleagues if there's some kind of belief on giving space for a child, but seemingly no. They were just worried that Natalia is suffocating her baby.. :)

Natalia is a very adventurous (relaxed?) mother. She's been eating all sorts of spicy things and in general, not worried at all about bacteria in the air and things like that. They're coming back together with Borzin to Asia in a few weeks. And why not, if little Kien is earning them maternity money that goes a long way in Asia.. :)

From the other things that happened during this time is that I got 1 year older and we had 2 little occassions where I collected presents.. yeah! :) One was at our home and at the pool downstairs.. Fity, thanks for coming!..

..another in a cool Mexican restaurant in the East. Nam! Look at the pictures, you clearly see where Kaj photographer's attention is - burito turned out very beautiful in the picture.. Its tasted superior too!!!

And few weeks ago I also graduated from the Teaching in Higher Education program, that means that I'm fully qualified to teach (in my current workplace.. :) & that I completed 90 hours of teacher training! Wow! Waiting for this to start showing in the classroom.. :) The semester is starting at the beginning of November, and I'm totally not waiting for it!!!!
Posted by gkligyte at October 11, 2005 11:50 PM
Gosh... ypu are old again and we forgot to send the snail mail this year!!!! give yourself a huge hug and forgive this poor parents.
So how it is to be having a decent birthday in leijonakaupunki? I am glad this year you were not alone eating noodles...
Sending some autum leaves and feeling envy for your japan trip.
love ABC