February 13, 2006

Last two weeks were pretty tough. More so for Kaj than me. His resignation wasn't exactly graceful - there were argues, fists in the air, sleepless nights, and a bit of spitefulness... Its still not quite resolved, Kaj has to pay his tax before he leaves the country and there are still some issues that he has to settle with the company and our horror landlord.

The whole situation was so depressing that we just decided that we will GO AWAY from here in any case. Just leave and start something new somewhere else. I have this growing suspicion that "life is elsewhere". So no part time teaching, no extension of deadlines, we're leaving in April. That's set. Now I'm desperately trying to finish everything that I'm involved in at school and Kaj is just waiting..

Some colours from Kaj's trip to Thailand! Very beautiful and potentially exciting, but quite useless when one of us is stuck in Leijonakaupunki... :)

Although Kaj said that he didn't enjoy his Thailand trip that much (yes yes, because I was not there.. :), he will go and wait for me in Bali, while I'm serving my notice. I wish I could arrange some leave to come and visit him for a long weekend!

In any case, a month in Bali sounds like an excellent plan! Kaj spent almost a week not going to work (waiting for the papers to be settled) and from what I hear, he's bored to death already - reading, cleaning the house, buying grocceries, doing yoga, swimming, playing tennis... And waiting... Totally boring, right?.. :)

This is not Thailand anymore. Its back here in Laijonakaupunki. There's no good cycling around here in the East. We tried to go to Pulau Ubin again, but it took us extra 2.5hours cycling in the industrial areas till we got to the ferry.. Aaaand... I wouldn't do it again.. :)

So how? Still waiting... And waiting... Andrea had this theory, I remember that when you fly huge distances from place to place, it takes couple of days for the soul to arrive - your body is physically already there, but your soul is still on the way... I feel like my soul is already halfway somewhere else... My body still here.. :)
Maybe I should start reading THE newspaper again?!?! Or maybe watching the old cool bourdox colour TV that Yong graciously borrowed to us?!?! Maybe my brain could be fixed? :)
Posted by gkligyte at February 13, 2006 08:06 PM
Ow no, did I delete Andrea's comment!??! Sorry, just that the spam comments are swamping my blog again... Thanks, for wise words Teemu - yah, not looking for paradise anymore, just a safe haven will do.. :) "The beauty is in the eye of the beholder" and "the grass is always greener on the other side" and "there's no home without smoke" (that's Lithuanian).. All these are under intense consideration right now.. :)
I am pretty sure that I heard the story of a slowly travelling soul from my mother, but I think it is an old story she heard from somewhere. Could be African wisdom. There is another good indicator on travelling too much - I read this somewhere: When you come to the airport to take a flight you see yourself coming from the doors of arrivals. One day you just start to look like all those who travel too much. It’s rather homogeneous world.
If I would be a wise man from a forest – like Väinämöinen - I could say: Good luck in your search of paradise – you may find it closer than you think. :-)
Smagu, kad sitoks "neikveptas" rasinys isprovokuoja sitiek komentaru!!! Gal dar paslaptingiau viska reiktu rasyt?!?! :) Kodel Norvyda mano, kad mums truksta vitaminu? Na degintis nebuvom nuo Kaledu, bet dar labai jau geltoni, mano manymu... Tik nuotaikos pavasarines/be vitaminu.. :) Musu gyvenimas greiciausiai keicia krypti atgal, Jurga... I Suomija i Suomija!!! :) Bet pries tai keliaujam i Naujaja Zelandija ir Australija, bandau siuntinet savo darbo prasymus i ten, jei nepavyks, Suomija visada priglaus.. :) As visai noreciau i savo piesinius, darzelinius ir akademinius pasiziuret, turbut ikveptu dar didesniems darbams.. :) Parasiau emaila, Mam, pasiziurek.. :)
Aha, ir jums pavasari truksta vitaminu :))) Jau tie azijieciai...
Beje, turiu gmail, rasyk! Nebezinau i kuri adresa tau parasyti... :((
Giedre, o kur bus jusu "life elsewhere"? :) Isduok nors viena plana ...