Speck of Dust in my Eye

The time to leave this place is coming closer. Somewhere deep deep deep in my heart I regret having to leave. Admit it or not (that's more directed to Kaj:), we learned a lot. I'd say that I'm much more aware about things: culturally, socially, work-wise... Its not very self evident, but I notice some sort of wisdom, calmness and confidence in me that I don't remember having before. For Kaj, I think its mostly learning to appreciate what he has or had. And, of course, we both successfully got rid of "exotica" mindset, which is really good. Coming from a place where 2 generations back people didn't travel further than 100km from their village in their lifetime, I can proudly say that "I made it" :)
I'll be also very sad to be leaving my friends and colleagues. Giulianos and Yong (why didn't we start hanging out much earlier!), Jeffrey, Alan, Tommy, Gail and Salim. And, of course, Fity and Angelene (why we spent so little time together?!?)... Well, well, I still have 12 more days to be sad, say good bye and stuff.. :)

Ok ok ok. No more tears, better some fun! Last weekend was my first night out clubbing in Leijonakaupunki!!! Can you believe that?!? Bars - yes, been there many times, but not clubs!!! Went out with the students first, FQ had his birthday, everybody was so fuuuuny, we got really cool kids here! And then I joined Fity and Angelene for some club crawling. Surely enough, on my first night out in a random club that opened 2 weeks ago, I meet.. who... Finns!... well, not exactly, only one Finn, another Swiss! Yes! Yes! Petri Saariko and Sasha Huber! They were on some meeting related to Leijonakaupunki bienalle and just happened to be there and then! They didn't know that I'm living in Leijonakaupunki for almost 2 years, I didn't know that they're here, we just bumped into each other! Before I came back to my senses and realised that I should take a picture, they have evaporated... So I got no proof..
Otherwise clubbing in Leijonakaupunki is a bit better than I imagined. Some SPGs (Sarong Party Girls - these are the beautiful young ladies that jump on any ang moh they see (remember, the "Red Haired Devil"?)), but not as much as I feared there would be!

And I met even more Finns (one British) today! Philip and his wife are in a conference in our school, so we had a nice tea break walk and talk. I'll be seeing them again tomorrow at the Diploma Show Opening!
Posted by gkligyte at March 30, 2006 08:21 PM
The world is a small place! now try to avoid the finns for the last 12 days... Curiously enoguht we manage to avoid fins in SA (well saw one, but it was not by surprise =). loads of hugs to fill your bags. Come to Helsinki soon will you?