Vilnius not bad leh

This time things really look very good in Vilnius. I remember coming back from Helsinki every 3 months or so and seeing tons of new skyscrapers popping up in the background of the low city skyline each time. It seems that in the last 2 years, not much of the horrible new stuff has been built. Good!

A lot of stuff has changed, of course, but a lot of good things appeared too. As I was going through the photos, I noticed that I've been taking pictures in a very selective way. For some reason I don't feel like taking out my camera and taking any of the tidied up and sterilized "points of interest" photos this time. Believe me, there are plenty of renovated good looking tidy places here! :)

The new thing in town is graffiti, at least its something I don't remember seeing that much earlier.

It seems that a lot of times people are making a statement with their art and in many cases there's a continuous dialog about important issues, such as nationhood, war, race, religion, values, etc. People leave their mark and someone else then comments on it. I'm impressed! At the moment these pieces are still not very intrusive and merge nicely with the architecture.

There's quite a few run down places still left around and often they're just next to the most sleek areas of town, which adds a nice romantic touch to the general feeling of the place..

I'm happy to say that Vilnius seems to have a very strong spirit and that a person can feel good there. Well done!

I'm having plenty of time and not much to do here, so most of the time I'm just sitting around and enjoying summer (apparently I brought good weather here! :) with the girls (when they're not busy working or are not engaged in their multiple hobbies: tennis, horse riding, Italian language, theater, swimming, etc). Everyone seems to be quite happy in Vilnius and expect even better things to come in the future. Nice!

The obvious change in life is once again indicated by children - I was shocked to see my sisters kids Martynas and Julija again, as they're so big and very self-sustained these days (can do dishes, can cook breakfast for themselves, can talk and can make sense :)!

Julija and Martynas can even take pictures with the camera and here's some pics selected by me, not bad, isn't it?

The new babies, such as Upe (who was a very wonderfull baby, btw), make you even more aware that time flows fast...

Although you'd think that time has stopped when you go and see some of the old Art School friends Masters thesis presentation - the same lecturers, the same discussions, the same concepts, but, of course, a completely new level of finish and design sensitivity from Darius.. :) Well done! Congratulations, our new Master of Arts!
Posted by gkligyte at June 16, 2006 11:47 PM