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August 04, 2006Baby FeverWe have a new relative! A fresh little girl niece. So fresh, that she doesn't even have a name yet! Marjut calls here Mini. For now. Congratulations to the proud owners of this pretty bundle! :) Btw, its Lars, Kaj's brother, and Marjut, who got her. Lucky, aren't they? There were more reasons to be happy this week. Luna turned two! She was born just before we left to Leijonakaupunki (this thingly that I'm holding in my hands is Luna, who would believe that?!?) Just look at her now! I was relieved to see, that the socks that we brought, fit Luna all right. And yes, another fresh baby! Eliel is almost a month old. Whats going on with our friends?!? :) Another extremely pretty face! Mariana and Timo are collecting a series, I think, Eliel perfectly fits the collection started with Alma (girl in the green dress)... ..here. Luna and Alma are getting a total make over - some birds and stars, the moon and the sun on their faces. There must be some primeval instinct of painting one's face, otherwise I can't explain why the children get so seriously excited about that! Mariana with the whole family is going to Argentina for over half a year, I'm sure Alma will cause traffic jams in the streets there, she's so blond! Among other attractions of the day was Kaj's hair. Or should I say, the lack of it? After shocking everyone with his artisticly messy hair (first question my sister asked was "what's wrong with your hair?" and when Kaj asked what's wrong, she said "there is hair"), Kaj gets another round of surprised people clapping hands.. Always looking for attention... The change is quite extreme, I have to say. I'm still not quite used to this... :) But... It will grow... :) Last weekend we still made another round to the mökki, visiting Kaj's sister and brother again, collecting our stuff to be shipped to New Zealand. And I'll be flying off on Saturday. Wish me luck! Posted by gkligyte at August 4, 2006 12:54 AMComments
Kodėl tiek mažai nuotraukų iš Lietuvos.Atvažiok pas mane į Pugainius ir rodyk visam pasauliui kokia graži tavo Tėvynė.Autralijoe yra mūsų bendrų su mama bičiulių giminaitis įdomus žmogus pamišęs lėktuvų bandytojas visur kretantis iš oro ant žemės.Ar nori susipažinti?
Posted by: regina on August 29, 2006 08:28 PM
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