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August 28, 2006In the BushSorry for a long break with the blog. I started working (2 weeks gone already!), and, as it always goes with starting life at a new place, there's just an unbelievable amount of things to be sorted out: bank accounts, phone contracts, Internet, power supply... ... that is if you have a place to stay. Currently we're still in our temporary "box" as Kaj calls it - a 9 sq m grey cell at the 17th floor of a skinny skyscraper in the city centre. Auckland's city centre looks ok from further away, but, its a real urban hell inside. Winter is slowly giving in, we had a sunny and warm weekend just now. The weekend before was really cold, foggy and rainy. We went out to the West Coast, but Piha beach was difficult to recognise. We were here couple of months before and we had blue skies and T-shirt weather then. This time was really different. But if you ask me, Piha is amazing in any weather. So far things have been going quite tough, with the apartment hunt, settling down, etc. We've been driving for hours and hours almost every day, going through the papers, Internet ads, etc. I wish I could write some "happy happy joy" type of account of events here, but so far it hasn't been easy... I really hope things will start going smoother soon. One thing less to worry about is our home. We got our place at Titirangi suburb at West of Auckland. Its basically a batch, not really a proper house in the middle of the bush. It has 2 floor to ceiling glass walls, so we can see the bush extremely well (and be seen from the bush, if anyone cares to look... :) The air is fresh and the views are really beautiful there. The ground floor could have some better floor, we're still working out what to do about it. We'll be moving from a concrete box in the city centre to a glass box in the bush mid-next week. How does that sound?.. :) And this is what we'll see from our window when having breakfast, lunch or dinner... :) Posted by gkligyte at August 28, 2006 09:59 AMComments
suzinojau daug
Posted by: BeepFieliaHex-tool on May 18, 2010 10:34 AM
Hi, to all the people who thought our home is lovely. :) Thanks! The reality is not so rosy (or zen) as it looks in the pictures... Its bl**dy cold inside, we're blasting 2 heaters most of the time and all the warmth is going out through our lovely floor to ceiling windows (not the most practical idea, as Taina noticed)... :( Fity, there's a surf spot just 20min away from our place (we're strategically located half-way between the beach and the city.. :) Thats Piha. But its scary. Waves are too messy and big. But a really great surfspot (for beginers as we are) is 2.5hrs drive away. And yes, our surroundings certainly beat Singapore construction sites... Tommi, our address should appear on the left side of the page, we'd be happy to receive something.. :) Misha, I'm sure life of a bureaucrat in a small town would be an ideal job for many people (imagine all the coffee you'd be drinking in all the important meetings that happen throughout a year!), go for it, man! :)
Posted by: Giedre on September 3, 2006 11:44 PM
it seems a lovely place, your new home! hopefully it is warm when cold; in old finnish houses windows were virtually non-existent in order to keep the warm inside :) thanks again and again for taking such good care of our home, you're the superior guests!
Posted by: taina on September 2, 2006 06:01 AM
It's beautiful!!!! It definitely beats the construction sites and sawdust-filled air so prevalent back here! Well, glass or no glass, if it feels like holidays it is great!!! Is it near any surf spot too???
Posted by: Fity on September 1, 2006 08:34 AM
vauvau, tekee mieli varata heti matka! mutta voivoi, miten äkkiä te olette yhtäkkiä taas toisella puolella maapalloa...mutta nyt tällä kertaa täytyy kyllä järjestää jostain aikaa ja rahaa ja nähdä vaivaa ja tulla! We mean it! jepjep, mikä on osoite, we'll send U something!
Posted by: tomtom on September 1, 2006 02:28 AM
The photos are really nice. It's a very beautiful country... Your apartment seems pleasant too with lots of trees nearby.
Helsinki is finally getting colder after a warm summer. And cloudy. I'm starting to appreciate the sunny days.
Jokko is moving away in about a week too so everyone's leaving the town :) I have found out what is my dream job: cultural management job (bureaucrat) in a small town in Finnish countryside... Now just need to get qualifications and maybe training for that.
Greetings! Take care & enjoy!
Posted by: Misha on September 1, 2006 02:28 AM
Nu vaizdas tai tikrai visai nieko, bet pats namas, tai kartoninis... Kiekvienas kveptelejimas gretimam kambary nuaidi per visa nama. Reik tiketis, kad kai prisikrausim daugiau daiktu, kilimu ir menu, kazkiek tuos garsus sugers... Uztat oras tikrai grynas, jokiu kaimynu po langais (neduok dieve kaimynai su tokiais langais...), paparciai ir rytais gaidziai gieda. Mes kaime, ne jokiam centre, taigi jokiu dangoraiziu. Bet tiesa sakant, jau tyliai ramiai ieskom kito buto... Viskas cia labai nauja ir is idejos padaryta, bet tik ant siulo galo laikosi, baisu kad lietui palijus namas neisteztu... Kiemo neturim, tik maza terasa, kur rytais sviecia saule, taigi galesim kava rytais gerti, kai nusipirksim stala... Dabar kol kas viskas dar visai tuscia... Ir nezmoniskai aidi...
Posted by: Giedre on August 31, 2006 10:07 PM
Oho koks vaizdas pro langus... Turbut pro kitus langus kyso dangoraiziai? Pafotkink ir aplinkui, o gal ir kiemuka turit? Atrodo neblogai isikursit...
Posted by: norvyda on August 30, 2006 02:35 AM
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