Not Home

Our home still doesn't look homey. I finished a project of mounting the pink wedding gift from my sister and I had high hopes that it will make the place look softer and more comfortable. But it still looks like a warehouse/barn/carton box.

We're not all that happy with our place at Titirangi. On Friday we were invited for "tea" to Thom's (my colleagues) place. Its been weeks since we moved and we got somewhat used to our house. But after seeing what a real home looks and feels like, our current box feels quite depressingly small, fake and unfinished. A real house has the right feeling. Its warm and cozy, a place where you're happy to return after a long day. We're still struggling to find the right places for our stuff. Obviously we don't have enough storage space: papers, wires and water bottles are all over the place...

Luckily we got our table delivered and we got a temporary sofa until the furniture company brings our real sofa.

Having furniture is cool, but surprisingly it still didn't make our place look more like home... What is missing here? Maybe a real floor? Maybe more space and prope walls, so that the house wouldn't shake when you rap your knuckles on the table?

We still haven't bought a car (a shelf, some lighting and TV table are missing too), although we spent enormous amount of time driving around looking for it. We've visited Turners auctions at least 4 times. Its a place where cheap Japanese imports (used) get sold for unbelievably low prices. You can get a proper 2000 Nissan or Toyota for about 3000-4000euros. We're looking for something cheaper and you can still get something relatively reasonable for these prices! The auction itself is something worth seeing, they really set up a proper show. First time we went there, they sold some 10 cars before we realized whats going on. But it is very stressful buying: you have few hours to find a car that you like from the ones available, get it inspected by a mechanic and then you still have to bid... Knowing our ability to make fast decisions (and wise decisions), its no surprise that we haven't got a car yet. The rental car that we have is cheap, so we can afford to wait for the right car to come along.

It was a relief to go out to the beach on Sunday after all this running around. The weather has completely changed during last couple of weeks. Today was the first proper summer day: sunny and really warm.

And surprise surprise, we went surfing again! This time to Muriwai beach. The waves looked huge from the shore, but as it was low tide, they didn't have much power. It was really fun and a much better beach for beginners than Piha. Well, I didn't have a surfboard this time, I went in with a buggiboard and it was no fun at all! I think I'm past it already.. :)

And this is just some regular gang wars in the Southern suburbs of Auckland. Kaj was really shocked with the amount of violence and crime that goes on here (or gets reported in media). I should find some statistics, especially some comparative statistics (lets say compared with Finland). In any case, I wouldn't go walking alone in the dark through any forest/park or Southern suburbs here.. I guess media has achieved what they were aiming for...
Posted by gkligyte at September 25, 2006 12:40 AM