Moved and Happy

G these pictures seem to be familiar, don't they? Boxes and the mess... Yes, we shifted house once again! I counted that in the last 10 years I moved house 12 times. I'm counting only the times, when I moved with the intention to stay in the new place for long term, none of my temporary accommodation places are included!!! It is actually quite horrible, all this moving from place to place with all the boxes all the time. No place that you could call your own, and never really having all your favorite stuff with you.

We hoped to make this move as stress-free as possible, so we hired a moving company to carry our stuff. Stress-free! FAT HOPE! Reading this blog you may already have the idea that nothing in NZ works out from the first time. The move didn't go without a major mess-up NZ style either. When booking the movers, I pointed out several times that our driveway is very narrow, winding, sloping and has overhanging tree branches + cables, so a big truck would not fit. As I was sitting pretty with everything neatly packed up on Monday morning 10am, waiting for the movers to come, I had a nagging feeling that something must go wrong. And sure enough, at 10:05am I see a guy walking up smiling - the movers sent us a large truck and the driver came to tell me that it wouldn't go through. The smaller truck apparently broke down and could be available on Wednesday. And, of course, nobody bothered to inquire with us about that, no, they just sent a big truck hoping that it will somehow fit. That's very kiwi way of doing things... You know that things are not quite the way they're supposed to be, but you still try - maybe the truck has shrunk or maybe the trees have grown since last time we spoke on the phone?!?

Anyhow, they managed to find another slightly smaller truck and send it down by 2pm. The first 2 guys refused to come down after seeing our super steep path leading up to the house. But they were gracious enough to let the company know that we didn't have much stuff. So the 2nd time they sent just one guy. Luckily he grabbed two women from his family with him to hang around. Thank goodness he did! It was a mad sweaty business carrying, and I did a fair share of dragging stuff, as Kaj was at work (weren't the movers hired so that we wouldn't have had to carry stuff?!?!). It was hell getting any of the larger stuff out - the sofa, fridge, laundry machine around the many corners and through extremely narrow doors of the Titirangi house!!...

But now its all over and done, we're in the new house and have been unpacking like crazy the whole week. Its a really amazing house - we're loving every minute we spend here! It is large and beautiful and quiet and our stuff fits inside!!! Its also warm and light! We haven't used our heater and dehumidifier once since moving! Towards the end of the day I just can't wait to get home, its the kind of home where you can laze around in the afternoons with a book, see the plants grow on our sunny deck, pure bliss!!...

And besides all this, the house within 15min of walking to my workplace along a pretty winding creek with dreamy overhanging trees and quacking families of ducks. There will be more pictures soon!
However, after spending some 2 hours on the phone trying to reach our broadband provider, I learned that we can't get Internet in this house!!! What are we going to do?!!?
Posted by gkligyte at November 17, 2006 09:45 PM
Haha guys.. sorry but I just cant help myself from laughing reading your house-moving adventure. Sounds mad! But I applaud the kiwi spirit ("that things are not quite the way they're supposed to be, but you still try")! Beautiful house with nice potted plants... I want a house that I cant wait to get home to, too!!!