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December 22, 2006We Wish You Lots of Presents Under a Pohutukawa tree!This is pohutukawa, the New Zealand's Christmas Tree. Another kiwi icon, completely unfamiliar for anyone coming from the northern hemisphere. It is a pretty tree that grows all along the coasts of (at least North Island) of New Zealand. And, yes, you guessed right, it blooms just right in time for Christmas. It is our 4th summery Christmas (2003 Indonesia, 2004 Philipines, 2005 Indonesia, 2006 New Zealand). So nothing new about snowless sunny long days and lack of anticipation. The difference now, I guess, is that the days will start to get shorter from now on. :) The summer has barely started and already the autumn is already coming in... :( We haven't been good wih keeping up with the Xmas traditions of Finland and Lithuania. No Xmas food, no long fasting and special meals, no future telling, no family around the table, no candles, no long wait for the presents and no Santa Clause coming in (just had a discussion with Kaj: in Lithuania the presents come on Xmas morning, so you have to wake up early and race to the tree to see what has been brought to you on Xmas morning. And in Finland Santa Clause would come on Xmas Eve, while everyone would be in church. So now we have hard time deciding when and where our presents should appear. We're going to Ahipara in the North over Xmas. You may remember, we were there before. So its not wise dragging the presents with us, I guess we'll have to exchange them tomorrow morning (if I have it my way!) or tonight, if Kaj wins... In any case, for everyone, who is diligently waiting for the real Christmas, Merry Xmas and have peaceful and beautiful holiday!!! And meanwhile I'm on a "compulsory" holiday till the 8th of January! Yeah!!!! Posted by gkligyte at December 22, 2006 07:23 PMComments
Aciu uz visus linkejimus, smagu, kad vis dar prisimenat!!! Siunciu kaledinius bei naujametinius sveikinimus ir jums! Beje, cionais yra ir egluciu, taigi nevisai viskas atvirksciai, tik kad pohutukawa prazysta taip laiku ir taip graziai... :)
Posted by: giedre on December 28, 2006 01:41 PM
Sveiki, su sventemis! Labai grazus tas kiwiu kaledinis medis, tik, kad gana didelis ir tokio jau namuose nepasistatysi :) bet ziedai tai fantastiski!
Del dovaneliu - man ir Kasperui lygiai tas pats klasimas buvo iskiles ir mes nusprendem visgi kaledu ryta dovanas isvynioti, bet praeitais metais, beja, tai puse isvyniojom kuciu vakara ir puse kaledu ryta... va koks tikras kompromisas! :) :) Iki!
Posted by: Agne on December 28, 2006 08:10 AM
Merry.... er... holidays! The pohutukawa tree looks adorable. Oh, and the rye bread worked out perfectly and a lot of it has now gone parempiin suihin. :)
Posted by: Katja on December 27, 2006 03:43 PM
Mylim mylim is lietuvos, ka tik nuo sociu stalu:) yra vietos jums ir cia, ir musu sirdelese. Upei pirmosios kaledos, oi dziaugias zmogus lemputemis, spalvou ir cezanciu dovanu popierium. Su kaledom i kita pasaulio krasta.
Posted by: Rasa on December 26, 2006 06:25 AM
Is tiesu, netikejau, kad Kaledu medis galetu buti kitoks... O dovanas gal irgi nesa ne Kaledu senis, o kokie kolibriai?...
Linkim sviesiu, linksmu Kaledu, daug dovaneliu !! Smagiu atostogu ir gero vasarisko poilsio !!!
P.S.Siulau kompromisa - Kaitsu lai gauna Kaledu dovanele sau iprastu metu - vakare, o tu - ryta; tiesa, gali pasijusti kiek nuskriausta puse paros be dovaneles... :)
Posted by: dalia on December 24, 2006 03:33 AM
Smagiu ir siltu jums kaledu po raudonai zydinciu medziu. Mes irgi sneigo siemet dar beveik nematem, o raudonai niekas nezydi :(
Posted by: Aiste on December 23, 2006 02:15 AM
O tai pas jus egluciu visai nera? Na ir Kaledos... Kai tokie vaizdeliai, tai ir dovaneliu nebereikia, tik ziopsok aplinkui ir stebekis. Linksmu, siltu Kaledu, kur jus bebutumete, mintyse aplankykite musu Kuciu stala, ten visada jums yra vieta. mama
Posted by: mama on December 23, 2006 12:41 AM
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