May 22, 2007
Way to Our Hearts

This is our Tortoiseshell Moggie Whangai ("whangai" means "feed" or "adopted child" in Maori). Every day she comes to work and sleeps on the chair next to me or on Nicoletta's keyboard.
First time I saw her in December, I thought she was ugly - she looked like a possum! The cat was howling outside and was looking for any opportunity to get into our offices. We chased her away and hated her. She wouldn't give up, if the door was locked, she'd jump inside through the window, give us the vicious look and cry out more. Then we gave her milk. And there was no turning back.
Slowly she made her way into our offices, she'd sneak in and sniff out the corners behind the tables, then she'd fall asleep somewhere on the floor. Soon she started getting canned tuna for breakfast and moved up to sleep on the chair or on somebody's lap or on the table. The howling stopped and her character changed completely. We gave her the name Whangai and now she's "working" with us every day.
We'll be moving offices soon and we're trying to budget a cat door.
Posted by gkligyte at May 22, 2007 12:03 AM
Andrea, what a good idea!!! :) How are you holding on with the vauvakuume? Congrats for the new apartment!
Monika, all this was discussed, I was identified as the one to take her home, but Kaj didn't pass the cuddling test... :( In any case, I have a cat at work and Kaj doesn't have to suffer... A cat door should sort our kitty out... It is supposed to be hunting for rats at nights anyway!
hu hu will the next be vauvakuume?
What? A possum??? She is adorable!! What a cutie. You ought to find out if Kaj's still allergic and take her home with you! :-))