Winter blues...

We're getting quite fed up with winter here. The temperatures don't go below zero at all, but there's definitely not enough sunlight and it slowly starts to get us... Our great achievements over the weekend were: 1) spending a blissfull hour in a sauna at Tepid Baths (should do it more often!); 2) buying a dryer! So instead of folding damp clothes after a week on a cloath rack, we can get warm and dry towels in an hour or so! That's what I call civilisation! Our power bill still hasn't come yet, I'm expecting something in the line of $500-600... :( 3) Kaj went surfing on both days (the water was freezing!!!)

We'll be going to Samoa (that's one of the Pacific islands countries) in 3 weeks and I can't wait for that! Real tropics! With stary skies and balmy nights (with moskitos!) I think, just having a lot of light will come as a shock to us! Something that we didn't appreciate enough in Singapore... NZ prides itself as having sub-tropical climate. We should have paid the "sub" part more attention... :)

Meanwhile, we moved offices and I'm working hard trying to entice the cat to move with us. She's a brave little kitty, we walked to our new office 2 times already, but she hates the sliding doors and the new location is still to scary and unfamiliar... I hope she'll stay with us, it is so much better than having an office plant! I'll also have to do the driving test pretty soon (hopefully before going to Samoa?!?) and I am not sure how good my chances are... Supposedly they're pretty serious about the practical test (it takes almost an hour and you have to explain things too, not only drive!...), but judging on the driving you can see in Auckland streets, I should be able to pass blindfolded...
Posted by gkligyte at July 15, 2007 11:05 PM