Cat Stories

After a week in tropical Samoa we're not impressed with grey midwinter in Auckland. Our neighbours gave us a bunch of daffodils before leaving, so it was easy to be too hopeful and expect spring to come sooner rather than later. The day before leaving Samoa we were sitting on the beach talking that we can't imagine how does it feel to be cold. After less than a week in Auckland, I can't imagine how does feeling hot feel!

Samoan pictures and stories will come later, I just can't find time to get my hands on editing the images. For me the memories of holiday were wiped away during the first day at work. As if we've never been gone... After sleeping 10 hours a day, reading, swimming, snorkeling, lazing in the sun and eating, the reality of going through emails, making phone calls, arranging meetings feels a bit harsh...

NZ news and realities all of a sudden feel very frivolous.The NZ dollar is falling for a change, housing market slowed down, the unbelievable sales are on in most shops (we have sales 350 days a year! I don't think I ever bought anything not on sale here!!), boy racers kill themselves (and other people) while being chased by police, people still don't signal and run red lights (an unknown "hoodie" pulled me off the road on Monday just before I almost walked under an SUV running red lights...)

I go through some trouble in getting Whangai (our cat) to come with us to the new office. For some reason I became the person in charge of this cat. Every morning I walk past the old office and if the cat is there, I try to lure her with me. Most of the times she comes along, terribly stressed (the path is like a minefield for her, there's lots of students, cars, lound noises and nowhere to hide!), gets her feed, tries to sleep on my lap for a while and then freaks out about something (like someone walking down the corridor dangling keys) and shoots out through the window. She knows the way to the new office, so she comes and howls at our door every night when it gets dark. The trouble is that usually it is time to leave or nobody is in the office anymore! As I write this, I listen to the wind and rain and my heart breaks thinking about this little cat out there in the dark making all the way to our office, getting all wet and finding no one there...

This picture is here just because I have pictures of the quiz night where we lost miserably to everyone (picking a better name than a "Car Wreck" for our team could have helped?). We'll be having municipality elections soon and the girl in the centre runs to be elected for a community board in our area (and happens to be Nicoletta's friend). Besides that we had an International Film Festival here (my favorite film there happened to be Lars von Trier "The Boss of it All") and I started singing in a choir (yes!). But the choir thing, I guess, will demand a whole entry of its own. After the Samoan story.
Don't forget about us here, ok?!?!
Posted by gkligyte at August 16, 2007 09:49 PM