Home and Away

This is Palm Beach North of Sydney and it is the beach where they shot Home and Away!!!

I remember watching Home and Away during breakfast before school on our tiny black and white TV in the kitchen and even in my wildest dreams I wouldn't have imagined that I'd be standing on the very same beach one day! It looked so amazing then, the scenes shot from helicopter flying over beautiful white sand spit with the ocean on both sides...

Little did I know that this beach is located an hours drive from Sydney and is actually quite built up, not some untouched paradise in the middle of nowhere at all!...

Kaj rented a surfboard and we both paddled out for a while. It was nice to be in the water without a wetsuit! We have to start surfing again, because I'm loosing my skills! I was breathless in 5 minutes and couldn't even really go past the whitewater, then got wiped out and that was the end of it...

Other than this, we still haven't found a permanent rental place to stay. Our hopes are really high for the next week, so please please keep fingers crossed! I hope our place will be in North Sydney... I don't mind views like that on my way to work...

Meanwhile Kaj has befriended a couple cheeky rainbow lorikeets that come for their share of toasted sandwich every morning! Birds are really weird and cool here. The sounds you hear from the trees can almost make your heart stop, if you walk through a park late at night...

We just had a long weekend because of Australia Day. It is kind of a national day, I think, with heaps of events (and people) in the city. I still can't get over this.. Isn't Sydney a truly stunning city?!?!
And by the way, the commenting works again, so you can leave a note for me! it will not show automatically, I'll have to approve it, but it will be there eventually, so be patient!
Posted by gkligyte at January 28, 2008 11:39 PM
Nudziugau vel suradusi papildymus internete, gal jau turite rysi? Linkiu sekmes beieskant gyvenamosios vietos. O vaizdeliai is Sydney tiesiog ispudingi. Sekmes Jums. Parasiau ir e-mail i tavo adresa.