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November 09, 2005

Next up: Pori


Fish is good for you, especially your brain, they say. (These darlings should be, they are thin enough. The fatter ones from the Baltic Sea contain dioxane which is not good for you at all.) Tomorrow I will travel to Pori to work my brain, perhaps by eating fish, too, but mainly through a seminar. We will study different visual materials from art to ads as data in studies in the art and design field. Very interesting, if I may say so myself as a co-organiser. This serves as an introduction to my documentation of the seminar starting on Friday the 11th in the morning, continuing until Saturday the 12th midday (and in Helsinki the following weekend). Do post me comments and requests on what you would like to see and hear from the seminar and I'll do my best.

Posted by hrantavu at November 9, 2005 04:10 PM