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November 15, 2005

Visual data Pori 11.11. Published images workshop

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In Anita's and Reijo's workshop Studying published images

Päivi Lahdelma first presented her MA thesis topic, photo material of old Carelia from the viewpoint of gendered landscape. Her material consists of b/w photos in old books of Carelia. We discussed how the photos could be treated in terms of gendered lanscape, and discussed how different the representation of Carelian women in the pictures (gentle, soft) was from our knowledge of the women (strong, determined.) Suggestions for analysis and interpretation from the students varied from reading the images closely and relying on Päivi's own interpretation to also interviewing old Carelian people to ask for their stories, or even tracking down the photographers.

I presented Finnish and Japanese ads of mobile camera phones. My question was why in Finnish campaigns family and significant others are absent, whereas in Japan, apart from all other kinds of campaigns, NTTDocomo has also for long run a big family campaign. It was suggested I check technology advertising style more generally and also check how advertising has changed during the time we've had camera phones. We discussed individual and shared use of phones in different countries, women's representation in these ads (in the Finnish ads, self-standing, in the Japanese ones, often part of family or relationship), the emphasis on irony in Finland in terms of family values and absence of it in Japan, and finally, the clean visual style of Finnish ads and the more realistic one in the Japanese.

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In the evening, we saw some colourful art in the Pori art museum.

Posted by hrantavu at November 15, 2005 06:28 PM