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June 16, 2006

Transcription time

Transcription devices.JPG

After a busy spring generating data with 16 mobile camera phone (and digital pocket camera) photographers, I've come to the favourite stage of all researchers using interview methods: transcription. In other words, I listen to the interviews and at the same time type them into text. Day after day. Many people use assistants but I decided to be tough and thorough and go through it alone.

For fellow sufferers in interview and/or video material research: I've been greatly helped by a piece of free software called TAMS analyser, created by Matthew Weinstein at Kent.

I'm aiming to finish this stage by the Midsummer celebrations and revive and reward myself with a full Finnish-summer-cottage-by-the-sea experience. Back after that with more exciting study news - up next are reading, coding, analysing - and Istanbul.

Posted by hrantavu at 03:45 PM