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June 10, 2008

Pre-examination continues

In Finland, two pre-examiners are nominated for a thesis. They can be from Finland or abroad. My Finnish pre-examiner submitted his statement last week, on the last days of the 3 months that the pre-examiners are suggested they use for examining. The statement presented good, precise, and constructive criticism, and most importantly, showed the green light for proceeding to publish the book and defend the thesis in the final public examination (or, as it's called, defense, with a yet another opponent.) The other statement, from Britain, however, is still pending, so let's see how far the process will be delayed. University organs have their say in all of this and they only hold their next meeting in the autumn. I kind of mind and kind of don't, as I've just started in my new job at Nokia, Espoo headquarters, developing online methods for user research. I'm pretty happy about it :) But please keep your fingers crossed for the statement to arrive - I'm so ready to put an end to the thesis work which once again feels like a neverending story.

Posted by hrantavu at 03:49 AM