Questions on profiling
Satu Lavinen

One of my main interests is the profiling of the users. Profiling interests me despite the theme’s technical triviality; most of the software do profile us nowadays, and even if the little helper in Word might be really a nuisance, the idea of profiling the users according to given principles, be those principles whatever, is a fascinating one. I’m interested in cheating and misuse of power, because these acts, usually defined as morally questionable, could possibly be used for the good of the narration, experience, and the user. As long as the information systems that gather information of us do have some kind of memory, also a possibility to these acts does exist.
When it comes to memory, they affect on us humans differently according to their order; the older ones sort of get blurred, whereas things that happened just a while ago affect our mood more, and are remembered more accurately. Thus, human memory has a time-based resolution of its own. This is very different to a artificial memory if the latter is not purposely built similar to a human one, which usually is not the case.
And the principles then; how and what to profile, what is the background, with which the user and his acts are compared . When the system understands different acts, and recognizes them from each other, can it interpret these acts in relationship to the other, past acts of the user. But could it also be able to compare the acts in relationship to the very situation in which the act is done, and to the other, possible acts?
© Satu Lavinen