Archive for the 'Final works' Category


Monday, June 19th, 2006

TC logo

? what is friendship? how to collaborate? collective or individual? what is city? what’s the main sound scapes which presents city? how cities become network??

‘Triple City’ was created like a platform for multilayered meta city buildings to stand. There was three links founded to mirror the atmosphere of cityscapes: 1 nature 2 techno 3 voice. This continuing project starts in Helsinki and pauses in Triple City. At first step in Helsinki the background parts were composed, later new audio layers to put on the backgrounds will be prepared in Vilnius (Lithuania), Seoul (Korea) and mixed together in virtual space.

collective creation (Helsinki) > individual creation (Vilnius/Seoul) > collective creation (www) >>> Triple City (TC)

nature > techno > voice >>> Triple City (TC)

TC nature
TC techno


Monday, June 19th, 2006

marketHelsinki´s structure is defined by its buildings, streets and the people walking through them. To record this structure we scratched the microphone along the building walls and recorded our steps. Every building and street has its own rythm accumulating to different instruments.
The working process started by using each of us the same selection of sounds . As we were working in a group of three, through passing on each piece to the next of us the pieces developed collaboratively. Doing this, each of us had to discover the specialties of the individual idea of sound and music trying to proceed in the same manner as it has started. So none of our ideas was overwritten but just continued in three different pieces.walksuomihahahaonestreet

Michal and Yuichi - H_cut

Monday, June 19th, 2006


Helsinki Auwa _ RiinSky

Monday, June 19th, 2006

Helsinki Auwa _ RiinSky

The project’s title is “Helsinki Auwa”

Sounds have been recorded from the places where we have seen children in Helsinki. For this project, we want to present how children, living in Helsinki, are hearing the city.

Sky from Vietnam
Riin from Estonia

Helsinki Soundscape

Monday, June 19th, 2006

During the last week we documented the soundscape of Helsinki by recording our everyday surroundings in the city. Through our track we wanted to represent urban Helsinki and demonstrate the various sounds that are different from our own countries. We focused on the relationship between sea and land and connected the city sounds using natural elements like people, birds and water.

Murod, Kathrine, Ariadna

Helsinki soundscape

Hun Ping & Matthieu > “SaunaSlam”

Monday, June 19th, 2006

SaunaSlam” browses through a collection of the basic sounds contained in the Mandarin and French languages to find dialogue in harmony.
“Ka Cha Cha, Cha, Ka Cha.

listen to SaunaSlam

Telmo + Stanley: Amplification

Sunday, June 18th, 2006

Acoustic versus electro-magnetic signals. Invisible frequencies. counterpoint of sounds found in nature and synthetic elements….

Pipe serves as a ready-made amplification device, a found object that directs the flow of water.

Electricity, the lifeline of the city. its omnipresence brought to the fore.

Through these recordings we wish to bring a sense of heightened awareness.
Acousti City

Frequen City

Clare & Mel: Helsinki Drops

Sunday, June 18th, 2006

Helsinki Drops

The sea which is a key defining element in Helsinki is the point of focus for this piece; it’s importance to the city, for its infrastructure, development and so on. Although the sea has the power to provide life, its potential for life’s destruction is not something to be overlooked given recent happenings in other countries.

Selina & PomPom: Swinging Helsinki

Sunday, June 18th, 2006


Symbolising our journey.

Embodying the rhythm of the city.

Steve & Antti: H-symphony

Sunday, June 18th, 2006

Our work is an expedition to the borderline between sound and music. It’s up to us to decide whether we live in a world of different sounds or inside a huge musical phenomenon. We studied Helsinki’s soundscape by recording our everyday surroundings. The composition is divided in two parts covering both manmade sounds and the sounds of Finnish nature.

