
Some general guide lines for the working process

Hearing Helsinki 2006 is a process in which Helsinki City sounds are registered, mapped and used for creative sound work.

The participants are working in pairs.

The first goal is to learn to move around the city with open ears and an open mind. We have identified a few good places for you to work in;  however you are free to find other locations with interesting sounds.
The lecturers – Fatima, Venzha and Päivi are providing you with interesting and inspirational points of view for your work. Feel free to discuss your ideas and problems with them.
Richard is available for technical help among other things.

There is recording equipment for each working pair to use; you might have to share some of it with another pair. The person in charge of the equipment is Richard who has to be notified if equipment is changing hands.
While moving around in the city you have 2 kinds of recording possibilities: MiniDisc/hard disc recorder and a mobile phone with recording option.

We are providing you with 2 different platforms for your creative use: a website for sounds,  and a sound improvisation session where you can utilize your recorded city sounds.

To give you an idea about different working options, here are a few examples:

1st working option

Record  sounds with a mobile phone and send them to the Art Camp sound website. The sounds can be either actual sound recordings or verbal descriptions of interesting city sounds. Provide the sended sound with your name and the recording place.

2nd working option

Record sounds with the MiniDisc/hard disc recorder and edit a max. 2 minute long sound piece for the website.
Fot the editing you can use Audacity/ Cubase programs.
For the sound piece you should also write a short description of the sounds you used in your piece: why did you choose these sounds.

3rd working option

Upload the recorded city sounds to the iMPROVE program and use them in a collective sound improvisation session.

It is possible that you come up with other ideas during the process. Feel free to present them to the group for comments.

On Monday 19th of June we present the outcome first to all the participants of the Art Camp and later to the press.

Keep your ears open!