meta-matic concepts
A - Creating a
1. Pattern palette Meta-matic presents the user with visual and audio surfaces for sampling graphics and sounds. The fields are evolving and editable.
2. Sample tool The user chooses a mold for cutting out samples from the pattern map. She may also define the shape of the mol herself.
3. Naming the sample The user turns the sample into a personal symbol by naming it.
4. Typology The user defines the type of the symbol by choosing its function from a typology. Each type has its own purpose, behaviour and geometry of growth.
The seed is ready for storage in the symbol library with other different seeds, and for planting.
B - Cultivating information environments
The second phase involves planting, cultivating
and cross-breeding symbols into different landscapes. |
1. Information environment The user opens up the information environment and plants the seed. It starts growing roots to the world wide web (or to the files on the hard disk or the mobile communication space)
2. Plant Nourished by the elements of the information
environment, the seed grows into a plant, a visual and/or audio representation
of the information gathered. It can be appreciated purely visually, or
as an information structure with pointers and links (flip it!)
3. Cultivation The user may perform weeding or replanting
operations by cutting out leaves or petals or by moving the plants to
new locations in the environment. She will cultivate the plant(s) into
a garden.
4. Hybridization The user may cross-breed different plants
to create new plants, hybridized information structures and patterns.
C - Storing and enjoying information environment
The meta-matic is ready for pleasure and practice. |
1. Storing The user may store and take shapshots of the landscapes for later purposes.
2. Re-entering But when she re-enters them, the plants may look quite different - the roots to the information environment have updated the view.
3. Viewing the evolution The user can also view the evolution of the life-cycle of the information environment. |