Clip Kino

More about 'Clip Kino' Event Format

'Clip Kino' events are self-organised screening events of short video clips & documentaries found online. It aims to drag aspects of normalised 'private' activity - of viewing downloaded content on one's own computer - into public space for screening, appreciation and debate. 'Media-environmental awareness' applies to include the social ecology of one's interests, desires, and attentions in one's peer-group and community.

This is 'direct action' media literacy: What media is online? Who is watching it? What does it mean to them, and indeed to you? Where does the video clip come from? How was it produced and distributed? Has it inspired copies, remixes or derivatives?

Single screening event

So far all of the Clip Kino screening events which have taken place have been arranged in advance, with an individual or collective selecting the clips for screening prior to the event. The publicity has been based on a defined single event.

Clip Kino Roles / EULA / Guidelines for single screening event


General Notes

Somethings about the format of a Clip Kino event..

  • Dragging private viewing into public viewing in the presence of others
  • 'Democratic' (sic) ability to get video content: less based on priviledge of ownership or access (wide range of sources)
  • The potential for dialogue about what is online (broken screenings)(blurring between participant, audience and organiser)
  • Creative associations (fragmented narratives 'written' by the viewer watching in sequence disparate elements)
  • Watching unexpected audio-visual materials (giving time voluntarily)(not choosing/clicking)
  • Having an opportunity to show in public what you watch
  • Challenge of standing up (in presence) for one's choices
  • Watching with others is revealing: does anyone laugh, wince, say something?
  • Discuss, review, extend, relate

Somethings about the online media environment (video-sharing in particular)..

  • How to foster 'media environment awareness' (to include the social ecology of one's interests, desires, attentions of self, peer-group and community)
  • How is a particular place or another collectivity is represented?
  • Perspectives into particular (sub-)cultures
  • Communal experience of watching in cinema or tv together at set/same-time is/has been transformed into infinitely mutable packets of data streamed just-in-time, anytime, almost anywhere (when connected)

Legal navigations & debate..

  • Practical and critical education of intellectual property (IP) issues and the emerging configurations of public-private space
  • When people post online video, is it for public use or for the platform?
  • If thousands or millions have already watched it online?
  • Do you need to ask permission to show clips in public?
  • How do terms & conditions of use determine legality of public screenings of online video clips?


Longer detailed essay on the development of Clip Kino in Finland [November 2010]..

'From a Pull-down Screen, Fold-up Chairs, a Laptop and a Projector: The Development of Clip Kino Screenings, Workshops and Roles in Finland' Essay by Andrew Gryf Paterson, published in Video Vortex Reader II: moving images beyond YouTube, p.81-94. 3.2011, Amsterdam, NL [.pdf 3.5 MB]

Also see early pedagogical statement sharing the initator's motivation [November 2008]..


Andrew Gryf Paterson, 03.2011



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