Clip Kino Helsinki Archive [January-June 2009]

Keskiviikko/Wednesday 27.05. klo 18.00-20.00, LUME TV Studio, TaiK

Sanna Marttila and Petri Kola (both FI) presents.. 'Open Video'

This event is part of the Emerging Media Practices and Environments symposium organised by ARKI research group in Medialab, TaiK.

Social media systems, applications and numerous video sharing websites on the Internet have given everyday people a possibility to take part in the creation and distribution of audiovisual media. They use these digital platforms of participation for viewing, producing and sharing video. Open creation and collaboration with video has more levels than just viewing and production: people tell stories, share interests, exchange and share media content, develop innovations and invent solutions together through videos.

How to define this emerging phenomenon that makes media more open and accessible for us? What constitutes Openness and Open Video on the Internet? For some it is a development for better open source video software and video encoders and decoders, for others it is an ongoing discussion and a way of expressing their creativity and collaborating with peers. Is Openness becoming essential element of being an active citizen? Or is acting in the open in the society a luxury only for some?

This Clip Kino event with a theme on Open Video sheds light to some of the current understandings and definitions of openness in video through pre-selected video clips, curated by Creative Commons spokesperson and researcher Sanna Marttila and artist-researcher Petri Kola. We invite participants to join in the discussion of the theme and the growing movement of Open Video.

More info about context and venue:



1. RIP: A remix Manifesto, from brett, 27 February 2009
sample from start:[0:57]* duration:[5:25]
more info.

2. Valkaama, Director Tim Baumann
duration: [02:19]
more info

3. Sita Sings the Blues (2009), Film by Nina Paley
duration: [02:19]
more info.

4. Tori Amos: Make A Video For "Bouncing Clouds"
2x sample form start: [n. 3:00] from ryderup. from chadrobb4.

5. Final Fantasy Levan Polkka
duration: [2:48]
Music by Loituma.

6. Dutch news anchor Eva Jinek is getting ready for a live broadcast on 03/02/2009
duration: [01:02] from Saxet242.

7. Startling Revelation by (Tamil Tiger) child soldier
duration: [1:25] from srilankanlion.

8. Send me your stereotypes (Queen Rania is launching her presence on YouTube)
duration: [1:46] from QueenRania.

9. Porn. Peak Oil. Enjoy.
sample from start [2:00] from oilycassandra.

short break

10. How to Relax the Person for a Neck Massage
duration: [01:17]

11. Open Any Bike Lock In 30 Seconds Or Less
sample from start: [00:25] duration: [2:53] Submitter: NBWAwrestling.

12. Video: Surveillance Training Footage, from Emil Coutts-Kidd, 17.04.08
sample from start: [01:14]* duration: [04:33]
more info.

13. Harvesting and Preparing Drosophila Embryos for Electrophysiological Recording and Other Procedures, by David E. Featherstone, Kaiyun Chen, Kendal Broadie
sample from start: [02:00] duration: [08:22]

14. Apple App Store: One billion downloads web ad
duration: [00:31] from getamac.

15. Science Saturday: Experimental Philosophy (John Horgan and Joshua Knobe on
sample from start: [03:00]* duration: [72:01]

16. Paul Jay reports on theREALnews
sample from start: [02:00]* duration: [06:02] from TheRealNews.

17. Read My Lips - Soderberg Tv
duration: [01:27] from ArgeadsRevenge.



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