Clip Kino Helsinki Archive [Oct-Dec 2008]

Thursday/Torstai 30.10.2008 klo 20-22, Kirjasto 10, Postitalo

Absent host presents.. 'Good Copy Bad Copy' (59min, 2007)

"Good Copy Bad Copy, A documentary about the current state of copyright and culture, is a documentary about copyright and culture in the context of Internet, peer-to-peer file sharing and other technological advances. It features interviews with many people with various perspectives on copyright, including copyright lawyers, producers and artists.

A central point of the documentary is the thesis that "creativity itself is on the line" and that a balance needs to be struck, or that there is a conflict, between protecting the right of those who own intellectual property and the rights of future generations to create."

Directed by: Andreas Johnsen, Ralf Christensen, Henrik Moltke (DK)




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