During the summer months, Andrew Paterson participated in Teemu Mäki's curated Todellisuuden Taju exhibition at Hyvinkään Taidemuseo (Hyvinkää Art Museum). This was manfested with a Clip Kino event on during the Art Museum's free-entry 'Hyvinkää-päivä' (Hyvinkää-day).
(Myself as a guest-host in Hyvinkää)
This event will hopefully introduce to you (in english)
Something about the format of such an event – Clip Kino
* dragging private viewing into public viewing in the presence of others
* 'democratic' (sic) ability to get video content: less based on priviledge of ownership or access (wide
range of sources: I choose on this event only from one of the most popular: YouTube)
* the potential for dialogue about what is online (broken screenings)(blurring between participant, audience and organiser)
* creative associations (fragmented narratives 'written' by the viewer watching in sequence disparate
* watching unexpected audio-visual materials (giving time voluntarily)(not choosing/clicking)
* having an opportunity to show in public what you watch
* challenge of standing up (in presence) for one's choices
* watching with others is revealing: does anyone laugh, wince, say something?
* discuss, review, extend, relate
Something about the online media environment (video-sharing in particular)
* how to foster 'media environment awareness' (to include the social ecology of one's interests, desires,
attentions of self, peer-group and community)
* how a particular place (in this case, hyvinkää) or another collectivity is represented?
* perspectives into particular (sub-)cultures
* communal experience of watching in cinema or tv together at set/same-time, transformed into
infinitely mutable packets of data streamed just-in-time, anytime, almost anywhere (when connected)
Legal navigations & debate
Practical and critical education of intellectual property (IP) issues and the emerging
configurations of public-private space.
* When people post online video, is it for public use or for the platform?
* If thousands or millions have already watched it online?
* Do you need to ask permission to show clips in public?
* How do terms & conditions of use determine legality of public screenings of online video clips?
Todellisuuden tarju
The above in my opinion all contribute to Teemu (Mäki)'s curatorial questions:
"Miten oikeastaan elämme? Mitä tapahtuu todella? Miten pitäisi elää?
Mikä on elämäntapamme hinta ja tulevaisuus, meille ja muille?
Mitä on hyvä elämä?"
(How do we actually live? What really happens? How ought we live?
What is our lifestyle's price and future, for us and others?
What is a good life?)
The answers are not necessarily found in the clips themselves..
But in the process of sharing.. Confronting other person's choices, interests, life-ways and perceptions of
the one's own and shared environment.
The Common reality also exists and grows online, but is fragmented into millions of pieces,
encountered subjectively, individually, in small groups and in links.
It is ordered according to lists, google searches, uploader's tags, and other related semantics.
How are we to get to know it?
"Hyvinkää on 'poikkeuksellisen tavallinen' suomalainen pikkukaupunki"
(Hyvinkää is an 'abnormally normal' Finnish town)
This Clip Kino event is an opportunity to delve audio-visually into what might be 'abnormally normal' to
watch online.
There are lots of strange, everyday, amazing, boring and bizarre video clips there. Depending upon the
age, culture, wealth (of time and of money), access, class, profession that you are, you may have
varying experience and knowledge about this.
I have selected a mix of representations on place, but also different subcultures online which spin off from
what I found, and where I searched, what I linked onto, and what I imagined before arriving..
For some, which have slipped into patterns, which could be a pattern..
Every day patterns..
“Round the motorcross track”
Hyvinkää Motocross Helmetcam Finland
[2:36: tekrules: September 02, 2008]
“So... I changed the lyrics a bit... So. And... I think I do more stuff like this in the future... oh' yes i did the rap vocals too...”
Gorillaz vs. Vogeta - Clint Eastwood and Feel Good Inc.
[NB: 0:00-1:25 of [4:10]: vogeta: June 09, 2008]
Paintball in Hyvinkää
[NB: 0:18-2:45 of [3:39]: Xanttu91: November 19, 2006]
Hyvinkää MX1
[0:22: Jani Koskimäki: 21.07.08]
Meanwhile ..
There is also speedpainting..
weedstark asks: “fantastic!! how is it that you really know how to?”
Piirrän Aapelin ODOTA!
[4:28: ReturnMemory: May 17, 2009]
Blu in Barcelona - february 2009
[3:56: notblu, May 09, 2009]
Cat Show
[NB 0:00-3:00 of [5:25]. XDF4u (Heikki Siltala): 06.06.09]
Anime trope of transformations..
“Juvenile and teenage anime viewers are in an a permanent liminal state, facing the pressures of puberty and adolescence, and wishing both to grow up fast and never to grow up at all. Anime deals with these concepts by injecting story lines of transformation, allowing its characters to experiment with becoming something different”
...”magical girls” able to transform into an older more sophisticated version of themselves
Girl to Cat
[0:45: CatgirlRiana: October 04, 2006]
Anime Transformations 2
[0:00-4:15 of [5:41]: Eviltengu: February 13, 2007]
Jokipojat-rules = peelo
[0:28: limundersucks: August 11, 2008]
www.adworker.ru Stockmann - "Королевство шоппинга"
[0:31: AdworkerRU: February 19, 2008]
Face tutorial part 5/7 in Blender(Must Watch!!)
[0:15-1:15 of [9.49]: CJ34Z: December 29, 2008]
Zombie Reporting Centre, November 28th 2007:
“Zombies walked in protest over the commercialism surrounding Black Friday at a mall in Madison, Wisconsin, on November 23rd, as part of Buy Nothing Day. They handed out pamphlets to busy shoppers, but security intervened and the zombies were dispersed.”
How to be a zombie (Time-Lapse)
[1:42: tokyopanda13: October 18, 2007]
SCARECROW : Zombies *video 2009*
[2:33: 1386969: July 01, 2009]
Zombie Walk... Recently from Brisbane: “In case anyone has been wondering why there have been no updates since we mentioned the tentative date for this years zombie walk...I’m afraid we have some bad news. While arranging the date for the walk with the police we found out the zombie walk no longer falls under the legislation for a “peacefull assembly/procession” and is now classed as a “special event” which means we are liable for the cost of the police presence we are required to have.”
The first was held in Helsinki on 1 October 2006, the route went from Kiasma to Senate Square, attended by some 80 people.
Zombiewalk Helsinki: “Zombiewalk ei ole minkäänlainen mielenosoitus tai protesti, eikä siinä takana myöskään ole mitään aatteita, kysymys on yksinkertaisesti hauskanpidosta ja samanhenkisten ihmisten kanssa hengailusta.”
IV: Started at Hakasalmi park, towards Kiasma through the tunnels of railwaystation. Number of participants this time was 82, and apparently disorder was averted. The police had kindly accompanied as security for the processional progression, and along the side of viewers for peace.
zombiewalk IV, tunnel
[1:42: lunacra: May 11, 2008]
Amazing footage: camera on a zombie
[0:33: lunacra: May 11, 2008]
"Live simply so that others can simply live."
tavletop101: “it'd be awesome if u could play as zombies :D”
MATURE: 17+ (Violence & Gore)
COD: World at War - "Zombie Mode" Trailer (Game Trailer HD)
[1:48: machinima: October 31, 2008]
Plants vs Zombies Gameplay 1
[1:27: Zorlac0666: May 09, 2009]
hyvinkää lightning
[0:37: deltopi: June 09, 2008]
BTCF dyno Hyvinkää
[1:45: petrolheadJJ: November 23, 2008]
Azaghal - Kyy Live @ UTBS 2007
[2:32: Qteqte: August 03, 2008]
[1:13: MikkoLipiainen: July 25, 2009]
Lippo Koivujuuri - Tavallinen suomalainen mies
[2:10: koivosk: July 05, 2008]
"Softening up local history"
Next one has music by Matti Siukkola..
[2:42: Mustonen: January 30, 2008]