English abstract  (the thesis itself is in finnish here)


Towards Grammatology of Performance

– Ergonomics of Thinking and New Writing Technologies


Jukka Ylitalo


Final thesis in Theoretical Philosophy University of Helsinki 1999



Grammatology of performance studies ergonomics of thinking. Its goal is to introduce the following questions:

    How does the technological apparatus of picto-ideo-fono-graphic writing (digital multimedia writing) effect on the (physical) expressive (performative) orientations? How does this shape the ways we understand reality and ourselves?

     By grammatology I mean the "science of writing" developed by Jacques Derrida. One of his starting points is to dismantle the distinction and hierarchy between writing and the idea (eidos). The concept of writing will encompass quite broad range of meanings. It will also include the physical and corporal orientations that are part of the technologies and institutions of writing. In ergonomics of thinking, this has to do with the relationship between the physical expressivity and thinking. The word performance refers to the expressive physical context of generating and composing (phonetic-audiovisual) text (in the act of writing).

     Grammatology of performance aims at continuing the project of Gregory Ulmer called "applied grammatology". In applied grammatology Ulmer seeks to articulate pedagogical foundations of picto-ideo-phono- graphic writing. Picto-ideo-phono-graphic writing refers here to the multimedia possibilities offered by new computer technology ("writing" with images and sounds, including writing interactions e.g. programming code).


     This essay has four parts:


1. The concept of khôra

2. Concept of reflection

3. Grammatology

4. Interactive media technologies.


         Ulmer calls the heuretic, pedagogical method for the picto-ideo-phono-graphic writing "chôrography". I will examine the concept of khôra in the Plato's Timaios dialogue. Chorography is an attempt to articulate a method of writing that stimulates creativity.

     The concept of reflection thematizes the ways humans gather knowledge about themselves. I will look at some themes of philosophy of reflection from Descartes to Hegel. The concept of reflection is also central in attempts to theorize the significance of interactive media technologies for the ways of human understanding. I will look at the action theory by Martin Heidegger as contrast for the ways of theorizing self-consciousness adopted by philosophy of reflection. Further, I will account some features of the Heidegger's philosophy of technology. The central question for ergonomics of thinking is to articulate the philosophy of interface for interactive media technologies.