
August 23, 2004

Apartment hunt


Its been 3 days now since we started seriously looking for a place to stay. Currently in Leijonakaupunki it is "renters market", meaning that the prices have gone down significantly and there's hundreds and thousands of places available. The agents are furiously trying to hook you and you can be really picky, because of that.

However it doesn't make our life easier. We've seen maybe about 12 places by now, but finding idylic green, peaceful place may turn out to be impossible, since most of the places available (and that we saw) looked smth like that one on the left (this one looked very good, by the way).

Also the interior is almost always very strange (there's business potential in interior design, I guess), according to Kaitsu, some "sofas look like vomit". And I agree about that.

our current place

The place where we stay now is difficult to beat - it is in the very center in an old conservation shophouse, we have high ceiling, enough of space and air. Whenever we inquired about possibilities to rent an apartment in an old house, the agents started giggling. The "culture shock in Leijonakaupunki" book says that it probably means that there's something wrong with the request and that they disaprove your idea. They are too polite to say "but you're plain stupid!" They tell us how the roof could leak if there's heavy rainfall, they may be dark, there's no swimming pool (how many of you have one?) and elevator (who needs it if the apartment is in the 2nd floor?) I think we'll still try to look into some of those old houses anyway.

There's not much land in this country and aparently highrise buildings are considered to be "breezy" (which actually is true). So it may as well be that we just have to live in one of the square boxes on 25th floor. It better have a good view then!

Posted by gkligyte at August 23, 2004 10:40 AM
Hello there. The font is okay for me (PC, IE6.) The weird-shape skyscraper looks neat. Good luck in the apartment hunting! Misha Posted by: Misha on August 23, 2004 12:08 PM
How do the fonts look on your computer? This looks ok on my Mac, but is the text big enough on your machine? Posted by: Giedre on August 23, 2004 11:26 AM
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