
August 24, 2004

Hungry Ghost month


It is Hungry Ghost month here, when spirits and the dead are walking among us. To please the spirits you need to pray, burn money and incense, this is what the guys in the picture above are doing. Burning that much of money? No, you can buy fake money to burn. If you ask me, these ghosts are pretty easy to trick...

Interesting, because first I heard about that from my brother when he was planning his wedding in China around this time. They could't make it right now, because all the dead people would attend to the wedding and I guess that is a bit too much... Kaitsu also said that people are not willing to do much of business around this time, maybe thats why it was a bit quiet at work for him last week?

Otherwise - a huge disappointment, we didn't get the apartment that we both really liked. By now I have seen maybe 20 different places (that includes at least 1/2hour to get to the place, some 1000 nods and smiles, some 50 "looks very nice, but a bit small and noisy...", a business card from the agent, "we have to talk about it with my husband", desperately trying to think what nice I could say about the place that looks completely horrible, shaking hands, some 50 more nods...), the agents keep calling me every 5 minutes (mind me, I'm paying for receiving calls!!!), they take me here and there, but nothing... nothing that would feel right, like the place that we missed... The stupid thing was that we saw the nice place #4 or so, so it felt that we don't know what could be available. The agent pushed us to decide about it immediately, so we thought that she was playing a trick on us. After we made up our minds that we want it, it was GONE!

I have met one German graphic designer today, she arrived last Friday and today already rushed to a job interview. And I'm wasting my time strugling with the agents. After this disappointment I'm a bit low on my spirits today, so I just called few places, didn't go to see anything...

Posted by gkligyte at August 24, 2004 01:58 PM
voi voi tsempia my dear.... i could send you some helping hands over if you need Posted by: abotero on August 26, 2004 09:29 AM
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