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June 12, 2005Everything also can![]() After running in "everything also can" mode these last 3 weeks, I learned to discipline myself. No more helping out colleagues, no more long lunch and coffee breaks, no more emails longer than 3 sentences. The work is not piling up anymore (although I'm leaving work at 8-9pm almost every day (getting there at 8.30am...). My interactions and connections with people (also Kaj) deteriorate fast. As I get home, I'm dreaming only about hitting the pillow as fast as possible. Sundays is a bliss - peaceful and quiet. Saturdays are the worst - the bl**dy construction starts at 8:30am. Lets see how long my "can do" attitude lasts. ![]() Penktadieni antras pagal svarba bosas issiveze mus su Yong pietauti ir paskelbe, kad pirmas pagal svarbuma bosas yra labai patenkintas mudvieju darbu... Kai grizom atgal, suzinojau, kad viena is seniausiu destytoju ismesta is darbo semestro vidury. Visi pasimete, nezinia ka daryt, jos destymo valandas dabar kazkaip reikia perskirstyt... Niekas nezino, kodel ji buvo ismesta ir bosai neaiskina jokiu priezasciu... As nelabai gaudausi ofiso politikoje, bet regis, kazkas vyksta ir kazkas planuoja musu visu ateiti.. Idomu, kad pati savo ateities nelabai gali itakoti ar planuoti... :) Perjantaina toiseksi tarkein pomo vei meidat Yongin kanssa lounaalle ja sanoi etta kaikkein tarkein pomo on sita mielta etta me kaksi teemme tyomme tosi hyvin (ma en oikeasti ymmartanyt miksi se vei meidat lounaalle). Sitten sain tietaa etta yksi meidan vanhemmista lehtoreista oli siiretty jonnekin muualle (samaa kuin saanut potkut) kenenkaan tietamatta kesken lukukautta. Kaikki oli ihan paniikissa etta mitas tehdaan, kun nyt tarvitsee siirtaa tuon lehtorin tyotunnit meille kaikille. Pomot ei anna mitaan syita miksi se tapahtui.. Ma en ymmarra paljon toimiston politiikasta, mutta nahtavasti joku suunnittelee meidan tulevaisuutta.. Kiinostavaa etta ei itse saa vaikuttaa tai suunnitella omaa tulevaisuuttaan... ei edes ymmarta mitas oikeasti on tapahtumassa...![]() Kaitsu on tosi onneton hanen tyopaikassa (nykyaina paljon enemman) ja ma pelkan etta se ei kesta marraskuun asti. Marraskuussa me paastamme irti meidan asunnosta. Kaikki hitaasti pahenee.. Emme edes viihdytaan ruoasta, eika shoppailusta... Kaitsulla on aika paha kulttuurin shokki, se ei kesta enaa kun ihmiset kavele sen paalle ja se ei tykka kiinalaistien kultuurista yhtaan enaa.. (toisaalta mulla on asiat parempi.. :) Kuvitellaan ja unelmoidaan lankarien kulttuurista usein. Esimerkiksi: alternative klubeista, alternative ajatelusta, keraysta (recycling), pieneista leipomoista, uimisesta jarvessa, avoimesta nakymasta, luonnon ruohosta ja puista, metsasta, sesonkeista, oikeista omenoista puusta (vain mina). Kaitsu suunitele menoa saunaan kun se paase Suomeen elokuussa. Olen katelinen!!!... Kaitsu ir toliau labai nepatenkintas savo darbe (dabar zymiai labiau, nei pradzioj), bijau, kad jis neistvers iki lapkricio. Lapkriti galu gale galim issikelti is dabartinio buto. Viskas po truputi blogeja, beveik niekas cia mums nebepatinka, nei maistas, nei apsipirkinejimas... Kaitsu jau visai nebetveria, kai zmones lipa mums per galvas gatveje, o ir siaip nepakencia kinieciu kulturos. As kol kas vis dar laikausi, nors jau labai daznai svajoju apie vakarietiskas salis ir dalykus, pvz: alternatyvias idejas ir dalykus, siuksliu perdirbima (hmm. kaip tai vadinasi lietuviskai, kai makulatura ir buteliai renkami..?), mazas kepykleles, plaukyma ezere, atvira vaizda, naturalia zole ir medzius, miska, metu laikus, tikrus obuolius nuo medzio (cia tik as svajoju). Kaitsu planuoja eiti i sauna, kai jis bus Suomijoj rugpjuti.. Pavydziu!!! ![]() Since I came here, several new English words entered my vocabulary and I'm using them almost daily. Such as "scolding", "delinquent", "penalize", etc.. Put this in educational context and see whether it makes you laugh or not.. :) This is, of course, besides my beautiful intonations in Leijonakaupunki language. Kaj shudders each time he hears me saying "expensiivee lah.." (I wish I could demonstrate this to you :) and he likes to add: "my hair is so oilyyy".. :) Thats definitely something that we're bringing with us from this culture!!! We're also making some major improvements in our English grammar. For example, instead of the phrase "An early bird gets a worm"we'd rather say "you come, you got". Some improvements in our expectations for retail service, e.g. asking about different sizes you may receive smth like "see there, got got, no see, no got". Shiok! (means "very good!") Apart from all that, my blog is flooded with spam these days. In some 3 days, I had to remove over 100 spam comments. Its becoming quite annoying. I know that some things could be done by removing/altering things in the MT (the software that runs this blog) code itself, but I'd have to ask Pekka to do that back in Finland and I'm sure he's busy with hundreds of other things... So, don't wonder, if you see some funny comments on the site or if your comments are removed by accident... I'm doing my best.. :) Posted by gkligyte at June 12, 2005 03:51 PMComments
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Taip, tikriausiai todel
Posted by: online on December 28, 2009 12:16 PM
wow Craig, I'm impressed with your memory (I'm sure Kaj will be impressed even more, maybe even more proud of himself than impressed - he made such an imprint in a person's mind!! :) He's sowing the seeds of Finnishness in here too - some of his local colleagues appear to be natural in Finnish swearing. Think - few years from now (given the people here have the same memory as yours), some Finnish tourists and businessmen will feel like home, greeted by "perkele" at the airport.. :)
Posted by: Giedre on June 19, 2005 06:31 PM
Kaip smagu girdet is taves, Asta!! Nors ir prisipazinai, kad 2 menesius neskaitei blogo, as iskilmingai atleidziu... ;) As labai nusiminus, kad vasara nepavyks atkeliaut i Europa, pase irgi puslapiai baigiasi (vis vizas klijuoja ir klijuoja, Lietuviskas diplomatinis korpusas nedirba!! Susitartu su daugiu saliu del bevizio rezimo!!!) Labai noreciau vel i mergaiciu vakareli pakliut, kur taip kulturingai laika leisdavom... :) Laikykit fronta, turbut labai ilgai neuztruks, kol grisim. Beje, kaip tu laikaisi ir kaip tavo studijos/darbai?!?!
Posted by: Giedre on June 19, 2005 06:24 PM
Thanks Giedre. Yes the Finnish and Lithuanian is probably better - I don't speak Lithuanian at all and what Finnish I know is limited to a Sielun Veljet album that I have and the several swear words Kaj taught me - although I can't remember what the word Kusse meant although Perkele and Moi were the others I do remember clearly. Say hello to Kaj for me. Cheers Craig
Posted by: Craig on June 19, 2005 03:50 AM
Labas, Giedre! rasiau tau cia komentara, bet neparasiau e-mail ir dingo viskas, nors ir nenusiunte :( tai dabar is naujo: atsiverciau tavo blog'a po netrumpos pertraukeles, ir perskaiciau viska, ko nebuvau skaicius, t.y. mazdaug poros menesiu irasus. Idomiu visokiu dalyku prisiskaiciau:) Is pradziu jau spejau apsidziaugt, kad turesi atostogas ir atvaziuosi, bet tik iki velesnio iraso, kad, deja, atostogu nebus:( Cia geguzes pabaigoj Agne buvo atvaziavus pas mus, tai labai fainiai tarp musu mergaiciu pasedejom, nors ir trumpai. Taves tik truko....:) Bet gal be reikalo erzinu .... Zodziu, trumpai, pasiilgau, laukiu atvaziuojant... Sekmes ir istvermes ten gyvenant tokiu itemptu tempu:)
Posted by: Asta on June 14, 2005 07:43 PM
Hi Craig, yes, Kaj told me about you and how suprised and happy he was to get an email from you! I'm very flattered that you like my blog, although you miss out on the best parts written in Lithuanian and Finnish.. he he.. Maybe Kaj will write more.. cheers and peace! :)
Posted by: Giedre on June 14, 2005 06:10 PM
Hi Giedre you won't know me, but me and Kaj used to be students together in Kiel in good old Deutschland. I've only emailed him and he's told me how busy he is which, I suppose is why he has hasn't written back to me again lol gggrrr!
I just wanted to say how much I like your blog. Your diary comments and very interesting and, I'm glad to see that they focus on the cultural aspects of Singapore rather than what shops sell the latest designer goods etc etc etc.
PS: If you hadn't guessed already Kaj gave me your blog address.
Posted by: Craig on June 14, 2005 01:28 AM
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