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June 19, 2005Is EU falling apart?![]() Today we were terrified by "top news" in THE newspaper. Europe is falling apart!!! Europe is in the profound crisis!!! Seems like last Friday they had quite rough and bitter meeting in Brussels.The commenters here are quick to quote sources that predict Europe falling apart completely or at least a high possibility for the monetary union to become defunct (e.g. some Italian politicians calling to go back to lira). Breathless I rush to my computer and what I find in Helsingin Sanomat, Delfi news and The Guardian is smth less dramatic. Yes, the meeting was a disappointment, yes, people didn't spare harsh words, but nothing is falling apart yet. Or is it, people? Let us know.. I got scared that there wouldn't be a place for us to come back after EU breaks down... :) Otherwise, it seems that creating more doubts about European future is on somebody's agenda here. The only news that we get to read about Europe here is about deep economical crisis, sky-high unemployment, plus some funny details (e.g. how French idea to shorten work hours to create more workplaces was a complete failure, or how 40% of the European budget goes to subsidise French farmers (that make up some 5% of population) and how poorer agricultural countries suffer because of that). The sentiment here is very much with the British, as they're the only ones that are more pro-business and demanding reforms. Yeah, the phrase "welfare state" you hear only in the context of aging population and how ridiculous the whole idea is... So please, I need some reassurance that Europe is still there and that there is hope. Is there? ![]() My blog entries this month seem to appear only on Sundays. We are desperately trying to find some things to do on Saturdays, as the construction noise is driving us mad. It is so annoying to consciously try to stay away from the apartment during the day, as if our rental contract would be only for 7pm-7am. For example, yesterday we went to Sungei Buloh wetland reserve (check - one more "place of interest"). It is basically a swamp with lots and lots of birds in there. You can sit in this kind of hides and hope for a bird to fly by. And they actually do! We regretted a little bit not having a binocular, although none of us is particularly fond of birds (neither we can recognise them). I reasoned that bird-watching must be a mixture of scuba-diving and picking mushrooms pleasures - you have to go out there and be very patient. Species matter. If you see something rare, there is a feeling of great pride and joy. If it would be mushroom, you can pick it up. If its a fish, you just swim away and try to look for smth even more exciting. If its a bird? I don't know... ![]()
va va, mama, as tik paskaitau Delfi zinias taip ir pradingsta noras kada nors i Lietuva sugristi.. Vajei vajei kokia makalyne!!! Skaiciau apie Uspakicha ir kitus, kada gi reikalai pasitaisys?!? Tu pirma raportavai apie vestuves Kaune, lauksiu daugiau nuotrauku ir ispudziu!!! Va va, taip viska ir praziopsosiu cionais Azijoj betupedama...
Posted by: Giedre on June 21, 2005 10:30 PM
yeah.. good to hear that its alive, don't know about the "kicking" part.. :) I've just got news that some more of my leave was swallowed by yet another "training".. I'm so fed up - so what, that I have these 42 days of leave, if I can never take it!!!! So dear abc, lets see about September... gggggrrrrrrr....
Posted by: Giedre on June 21, 2005 10:27 PM
joooo alive and kicking so far. Bit hurting though but dont worry there will be a place to come... september was it??
Posted by: abc on June 21, 2005 12:54 AM
Naujos salys Europai pasirode perdidele nasta ir tai isprovokavo seniai slepta nepasitenkinima EU. Lietuvos integracija bus stipriai sustabdyta, niekas nebesitiki gauti pinigu is europiniu fondu, o tiek pasaku buvo prikurta apie pinigus, ateinancius is Europos... Lietuvoje dabar kita zinia dominuoja - V. Uspaskich demaskuotas su netikru mokslo diplomu ir jam teko atsistatydinti is visu pareigu. Priejo liepto gala tas Rusijos statytinis, ir tai gerai. A.Zuoka dar nepasiduoda, bet jo kede irgi stipriai kliba. Idomesnes zinios ne is politiniu frontu - tai vestuves Kaune. Labai truko taves Giedrute, daug kartu buvai mineta sestadieni, ar nezagsejai? Vestuves buvo su uzmoju, Vykinta labai sauniai atrode, viskas suplanuota ir puikiai ivykdyta (daug padedant Indrei ir Audriui - matyt tai buvo revansas-:). Grizkit i Europa, tikrai uzteks joje vietos, kad ir "suskilusioje". Lietuva is tiesu dar nebuvo nei "prilipusi", nebent savo vizijose.
Posted by: mama on June 20, 2005 08:26 PM
Eww, nothing is falling apart. I'm sure Heslingin Sanomat AND your friends will keep you updated about the more serious turns, if they will ever appear.
Posted by: AA on June 19, 2005 10:56 PM
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