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November 30, 2005The LionsSome lions in the pampas of the lion city here: Monika sent me a link to a CNN story about the looming execution of the Australian drug trafficker Nguyen Tuong Van this Friday 2 Dec at 6am. It is a very interesting case to see how media works here and what kind of coverage this story gets.. I'm following it quite closely through various blogs, but the mainstreem media (THE newspaper at least, I don't watch much TV) keeps it strictly off front page and main headlines. Some stories about unreasonable Australian reaction to all this is reported in the World section, Australian part as if it is an internal Australian matter that doesn't directly involve Leijonakaupunki. There are a lot of letters published in the Forum page (a lot of them written by Australians) encouraging Leijonakaupunki not to give up its strict position. There wasn't a single letter that I would remember, written in a clever and intelligent manner that would reason against death penalty. Today was the first time they published couple of letters saying that Leijonakaupunki should maintain their strict laws, but could show some mercy.. Pauline Ooi Chen Ni, for example thought on Wed:
Ted Rehak, says today:
And here is an interesting story on the Leijonakaupunki executioner that was supposed to hang Nguyen on Friday, but was sacked (?) after blabbering too much to the foreign media.. Just throw Nguyen to the lions of the Leijonakaupunki!! Surely that would be a spectacle! Why bother with gallows and moral hardship of killing another human being? Posted by gkligyte at November 30, 2005 06:54 PMComments
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Posted by: Undurodonveva on November 24, 2008 02:33 AM
HA HA andrea, I wish I have seen it! I'm sure that the Finnish fashion design scene would collapse if there wouldn't be Independence Day.. :) Luckily media here is different - its role is to inform, enlighten and educate the citizens. And anyway, the politics is so crispy clean here, so not much to write about. And no need fashion really, because you can't wear many colours, but white if you're into politics.. Check out http://www.pap.org.sg/gallery/view_photo.php?set_albumName=album04&id=5_G and http://www.pap.org.sg/gallery/view_photo.php?set_albumName=album04&id=4_G
Posted by: on December 11, 2005 04:28 PM
Aha Dalyt, va taip ir susimastai, ka galima sakyti, o ko ne.. Is tikro, tai turbut tik musu tevams Tarybu Sajungoj tokie klausimai iskildavo... Nesim nesim kaili, jau gana greitai, bet angliskai to negalima paskelbti, mano "isrinkti" kolegos skaito...:) Jau perkam bilietus i Naujaja Zelandija (zadam keliauti ten dviraciais, kai as darba pabaigsiu balandi), turetumem visiskai susipakuot is siu krastu iki Europietiskos vasaros. Reik tiketis kad pauksciu gripas (ar kaip cia isverst) iki to laiko neisplis, nes jie zada apriboti keliavima (!), jei istiks epidemija!!! Graziu sniegu ir graziu kaledu! Parasyk savo adresa man i emaila, pameciau!!
Posted by: on December 11, 2005 04:17 PM
No! lets send him to attend the Finnish independance day party =)... If his dress is not good enought the local media will take care of him much better than the lions.... ho ho
Posted by: abc on December 7, 2005 04:41 AM
Joo, geras pasakojimo pavadinimas. Kazkaip kraupu darosi paskaicius... Neskit jus greiciau kudasiu is ten (kol taves nesupakavo uz tokius rasinius :)
Linkejimai is ziemuotos Lietuvos. Mes jau turim truputi sniego
Posted by: DM on December 1, 2005 01:27 AM
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