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December 11, 2005Tie & dieI just realized that the happiest hours of my life these days are the 4 weekly hours spent in the printshop. Its been 3 weeks since I asked to understudy Textile Decoration subject offered to fashion design students in our school. We just finished doing tie & dye and will move to batik and silkprint soon. For 3 weeks I came to work every Friday in the morning & spent happy 4 hours playing with colours, experimenting with different ways to fold fabric, stitching, etc.. I don't really know why it makes me so happy and why I keep thinking about it the whole week (Kaj has been getting upset with my evening "homework" sessions, because I'd stay up late and make reflections on his TV screen from the table lamp :) It must be some kind of combination of happiness brought by manual labour, sense of play and seeing unexpected results unfolding in front of you. And no pressure, nobody questioning anything, plus a completely unproductive way to spend time.. :) It somehow brought me back the memories of childhood of picking berries or doing smth equally mindless, when your imagination can travel to places and worlds you've never been before.. It is also a very social thing to do. Everyone around the table is doing things not requiring too much brain, so there's always some funny conversations going on.. A cool way to get more insight into the students' lives.. :) Plus you can watch other people's results, praise each other and learn new things.. It is just so SANE thing to do. How could i make a living out of something like that?!? Unexpected connection - aparently tie & die is a very refined craft in Japan, called Shibori. It was nice to try some of the Japanese ways of folding the fabric, as I still think that much of my recent sanity has beeen brought about by the trip to Japan. Ever since I came back from there, I'm feeling much more curious and inspired! The construction noise outside our windows is getting worse and worse. We tried sleeping in the small bedroom (where the windows are facing the street) this weekend, as they start making noise at 8am on Saturdays and Sundays. I had some glorious night sleep, while Kaj couldn't sleep because the room was too small and the aircon was blowing too strong and the curtains were not dark enough.. Anyway, we're moving back to the big bedroom.. And nothing we can really do about this situation - but we're moving to the TP staff apartments in January! Posted by gkligyte at December 11, 2005 02:42 PMComments
Suprantu tavo dziaugsmus, nes ir as kazkada panasius dazymus esu bandziusi, labiausiai patiko, kad gauni koki nors netiketa efekta ir zinai, kad tai vienintelis toks daiktas.
Arteja Kaledos, Vilniuje turime balto sniego ant medziu ir po truputi vis dar snyguriuoja. Pavydek! Pastarasias dienas dirbau juodai, tik siandien galva pakeliau nuo teksto, nes atidaviau Kulturos ministerijai Lietuvos kulturos paveldo skaitmeninimo bukles apzvalga. Man ta tema zinoma ir artima, todel dariau pagal sazine, jie gal ir nelabai noretu daug teisybes, sake uzteks apie 20 pusl., man isejo 41 p. ir dar tureciau ka parasyti. O dabar jau arteja didziosios sventes, pagaliau galesiu persijungti nuo darbu i kitus reikalus. Beje, Indre pagimde dukra praejusia savaite, visi labai laimingi ir dziaugiasi. Vykinta savo Kaledines atostogas praleis padedama sesei, po to gal Gintautas nuskris ir tik tada Jurate ji pakeis. Na Jurate norejo lekti is pat karto, bet buvo sutarta, kad taip geriau bus. Sveikink savo pussesere, mazoji giminaite turi aiskius Kligiu genus, tai matyti is pirmuju nuotrauku.
Posted by: mama on December 21, 2005 03:07 PM
Ah so you are also feeling crafty?
Posted by: abc on December 13, 2005 09:13 PM
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