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September 15, 2004

Okuma Garden

On melkein naapurissani, kuuluu kampusalueeseen. K?vin siell? eilen lukemassa. Pieni, tunnelmallinen puutarha, hyv? hellep?ivien viett?miseen, paitsi ett? auringon laskiessa alkoivat hyttyset purra.


Oikealla n?kyv? rakennus on ruokala, sen kaareva sein? istuu hienosti puistomaisemaan. Sis?lt?kin on varmasti hieno n?kym?. Kunhan lukuvuosi alkaa parin viikon p??st?, p??sen katsomaan.


Okuma garden is my neighbouring campus garden, an excellent place to sit in and read on a hot afternoon. Except for the litte fierce mosquitos at sunset. The building in the right is a student cafeteria. It must have a great view out as it's practically in the woods. Will be finding this out in a few weeks as the semester begins.

Posted by hrantavu at September 15, 2004 06:10 AM