Tue 29.8. at 09.00

Start-up meeting 
Whereat the Kunstuniversität Linz, Hauptplatz 8, Linz main square - Campus Exhibition space
How to get to the space in the morning: in all the accommodation places there are people staying, who have already come to Linz earlier and know how to get to the Campus Exhibition space. So just form a group and tag along!
Agenda: Getting started & getting organized, questions and answers, looking through the space together, discussing what has been done and what needs to be done yet. 
Obviously everyones primary responsibility is towards setting up their own works. The situation is hopefully/probably such, that you do not start from scratch - in fact in many cases your works are quite likely to be already set up and ready to run just the way you want them. But for some works there will certainly be things to do yet, alterations to make, tweaking, readjusting... 
Anyone who doesn't need much time to set up their own works, please lend a hand to those that are busy: other artists, the technical guys, Miikka & the bloggers, Research Groups, me...
How long we will be at it depends on how things go obviously. But please be prepared to put in a good days work during these critical days before the opening, so that we can have the show ready on time.

Wed 30.8.
That first day (29.8.) we hopefully get the show pretty much where we want it. But we can't rely on this, so we still have the next day 30.8. to continue problem solving, setting up and finalizing the works. Also for some projects the contact person can only arrive on 30.8. and so there may be projects, which can use a lot of help from us during this day. So we should all turn up in the morning and be prepared to work collectively to get the show on the road. Hopefully we're all done and ready to rock in good time!

Thu 31.8.
Campus Exhibition opens 10.00-19.00
Official opening of Campus Exhibition 15.00
So at 10.00 the show hits the road! Thought the official opening is 15.00, the Beta Lounge Campus Exhibition must be up and running and open for visitors from 10.00 onwards - until 19.00 - as every day of the festival 301.8.-5.9.
But our big opening is 15.00. During this time the space will be hilariously full of people - but every artist should be by their work if possible, because there will be lots of press and other dignitaries present then. 


10.00-19.00 every day
We have this amazing and great show - with works we can really be proud of! But the one thing to avoid is that when visitors arrive - be they important international curators or the granny from next door -  the space has no-one in it who can tell more about the exhibition, the works, the Media Lab... This is also a security issue - we also have over 100.000 euros worth of equipment in there and the security of that during opening hours is up to us.

There are over 70 people from Media Lab in Linz during the event - and over 30 of these have their expenses mostly paid by the project budget to be able to attend. Especially for those of you who the project pays to attend the festival, this attending includes an obligation to actually be in the exhibition space for part of the time during the festival! It doesn't mean everyone needs to be there 10.00-19.00 daily - but what I suggest is that we make a schedule in Linz. I think it could be good to have 3 shifts daily: 9.50 - 13.00, 13.00-16.00, 16.00-19.10. So with just 3 hours of effort a day - hanging out with your friends at the Exhibition - we can be sure of having a good spread of people there to inform about the works, talk to the visitors, possibly blog at the Campus Exhibition blogs, and also to make sure that nobody walks out with our installations. This still leaves all of you with ample time to see the other exhibitions, go to seminars, get to know Linz, party etc. 
But please, do take your shifts seriously. Be there when you have said you will be there - don't make someone else have to stay on longer to cover for you. And if you have the morning shift try to go easy on the very-late-night-boozing so that you can make it on time and be "presentable" and sociable at 10.00. 

Of course, at least one of the technical guys will also be around / quick to reach any time when the show is on to see that things are running smoothly and to help if anything comes up.

Sunday 3.9. 17.00 onwards
Party with the local students
I sent most of you a mail in July about a party the local students of the University of Arts in Linz - especially student from the Interface Culture class - would like to organize so that we all get to know each other. The time has been changing, but I just got the final information. So it's set for Sunday 3.9. 17.00 onwards... until the steam runs out!
It will be at the art university = where our exhibition is. I don't know the exact place - but we will find out. The students organize the buffet and the drinks for this - and some of you have already promised to swing a few records around in a dj kind of way - so there should be music as well.

Tuesday 5.9. 19.00
The Campus exhibition closes - works to take down
Tears, weeping and lamentation! Nothing good can last forever - and so 19.00 the exhibition is over. And has to be packed up...
Ilpo, Timo, Pekka and myself are staying on to see the stuff onto the truck the next evening... But we need a hand!
So could everyone please be around at 19.00 to help to take down their own works - and if their works are really easy to take down & pack, browse on down to help someone else with more stuff to deal with. I think if we really make one big effort we can get loads done in a few hours... and still have time for final beers at whichever pub has turned into our favorite place...