Coming events
The latest Finnish Journal of Education 3/1999 contains two articles of FLE by Marja Mononen-Aaltonen
and Anna Lintula from the Media Education Centre, University of Helsinki, Finland. The articles will
be publisched on this FLE web site as well.
Press/Media Materials
News archive
June 1999
- 13-18.6.1999 presentations and demonstrations of FLE in ComNEd Conference Aulanko,
Hämeenlinna, Finland
Communications and Networking in Education: Learning in a Networked Society
IFIP WG 3.1 and 3.5 (in co-operation with 3.6.) Open Conference. (Teemu Leinonen, Lasse Lipponen)
- FLE presentation in Enable99 (Enabling network-based learning) Conference,
Espoo-Vantaa Institute of Technology, Espoo, Finland (See the paper and the presentation:
Enable99 Papers)
- pedagogical and technical testing of the Fle-Tools continues
May 1999
- pedagogical and technical testing of the Fle-Tools continues
April 1999
- 20-23.4.1999 FLE in European Media Master Forum in Stuttgart, Germany
(Teemu Leinonen) (See the presentation in RealVideo:
Lecture in RealVideo format
. You need a RealPlayer to view the video)
- 7. - 9.4.1999 FLE in CADE '99 (Conference on computers in art and design education)
Conference, Teesside, UK. (Asta Raami) (See the presentation:
Cade Presentation)
- pedagogical and technical testing of the Fle-Tools continues
March 1999
- 11-13.3.1999 FLE in TILT'99 (Technology in Learning and Teaching) Conference
Cal Poly Pomona, California, USA
- Article about the FLE in the OTE Magazine 2/99 (see:
OTE Magazine)
- pedagogical and technical testing of the Fle-Tools continues
- FLE tutor training continues
February 1999
- pedagogical and technical testing of the Fle-Tools continues
- FLE tutor training continues
January 1999
- 16.1.1999 FLE presentation in the 'Day of Sciences' event (Tieteen päivät 99)
(Teemu Leinonen, Asta Raami, Samu Mielonen)
- pedagogical and technical testing of the Fle-Tools continues
- FLE tutor training starts
December 1998
- Article about the FLE in Arttu/Art 2 magazine and webzine (see:
- pedagogical and technical testing of the Fle-Tools continues
November 1998
- 5.-6.11. Fle-Tools demo in the "Internet und
Schule" -conference, Kiel, Germany (Teemu Leinonen)
- 16.11. New test groups and courses starts in the
pedagogical and technical testing phase of the Fle-Tool
October 1998
- 16.-17.10.1998 Methods and Materials for the New Learning Environments,
Wanha Satama Helsinki
- Methods and Materials for the New Learning Environments is one of the series of
ICEM Conferences held each year in one of the member countries.
Fle presentations in the conference 17.10.1998, 10.00 - 11.00
- "Cognitive Criteria for the Development of Web Based Learning Environments"
Hakkarainen, Kai, PhD, Department of Psychology, University of Helsinki
- "FLE - a Web Based Learning Environment"
Leinonen, Teemu, University of Art and Design (UIAH), Finland
September 1998
- 15.9. pedagogical and technical testing of the Fle-Tools starts
- 15.9. (starting) FLE-demo in the Homo Mobilis exhibition,
Museum of Art and Design, Helsinki
- 8.- 9.9. FLE-demo in the European Schoolnet Conference, Brussel (Teemu Leinonen)
- 8. - 10.9 FLE-demo in AppleExpo, Helsinki (Lauri Mäkelä)
- 12.9. training of tutors of the Fle-Tools