Mother, Child
Heidi Tikka
interactive video projection
year of production: 2000
"Mother, Child" is an interactive video installation that intends to create a
virtual, shared experience: the astonishment mother feels when holding her baby -
from her point of view. Thematically the installation draws on the painterly tradition
of the "Mother and Child" -compositions and the challenge contemporary interactive
technology posits on subjective experience and its representation.
The installation consists of a video projection of a nursing child - projected on a
piece of white fabric, that the spectator is asked to hold on his or her lap. The mood
of the child seems to depend on the situation in the proximity of the projection.
If there is a lot of movement the child becomes restless and starts to cry. The person
holding the fabric may gently rock the baby back to sleep.
Concept: Heidi Tikka
Interactivity programming: Juhana Kallio
Customized input devices: Seppo Väkevä
Video: Timo Humaloja
Produced in collaboration with Media Lab UIAH
Technical information:
The order of the digital video sequences is being controlled by a video camera
and a motion detector system, with which the space around the projection is being monitored.
The piece premiered in New Wight Gallery, Los Angeles as part of
F2F exhibition in Sept. 2000
Mother, Child has been exhibited at:
F2F, Cité L'Etat, Brussels
F2F, Parsons School of Design, New York, USA
F2F, Saidye Bronfman Centre for the Arts, Montreal, Canada, 2002
F2F, Saidye Bronfman Centre for the Arts, Montreal, Canada, 2001
F2F, Art Gallery of Ontario, Toronto, Canada, 2001
F2F, The Embassy of Finland, Washington DC, USA, 2001
F2F, New Wight Gallery at UCLA, Los Angeles, USA, 2000
