Nov 12, 2007
Mood Shoes
A prototype by Markku Ruotsalainen, Jenna Sutela and David SzauderMood Shoes are sonic wearables for super walking. They enable a ubiquitous (mobile) way to experience the environment in a manner of choice. Wearing Mood Shoes, one can decide whether to walk on thin ice, on the beach, in a puddle, in snow, on the moon or on the foil of a big drum regardless of the nature of their actual location/environment. The sense of ground varies from grains of sand to splashes of water expressed through sound samples in headphones.The first step‘ {$STAMP BS2}’ {$PBASIC 2.5}pLED PIN 12pLED PIN 15pSens PIN 0′ ====[ Variable]=============================wBuf VAR WORD’====[Initialization]============================DEBUG CLS, “start”, CR’====[Main]================================xMain:DOPULSIN pSens, 1, wBufDEBUG DEC wBuf, CRIF wBuf > 200 THENPULSOUT pLED, 1PULSOUT pLED, 100ELSEPULSOUT pLED, 0PULSOUT pLED, 1000ENDIFLOOPENDSwitching from BASIC Stamp to ArduinoArduino and PureDataAssemblingAn early adaptorSketchingProject outlineBuildingEquipment- Arduino board- 2 touch sensors- 1 light sensor- Bluetooth- Pure Data- Sound samples- Shoes, belt- Headphones- FM receiver and transmitter (see Realizing a (Bluetooth) connection between Arduino board and PureData- MIDI from BS to PD2) Making the touch and light sensors work with Arduino and shoes3) Connecting the FM receiver and transmitter and the headphones to the systemInterfacingTasks:1) Collecting sound samples2) Choosing atmosphere samples to work with the light sensor3) Placing the touch sensors in shoes and attaching the Arduino board to a beltTry me!