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1803 - IHALA VILLAGE MAP Suurennos 11Suurennos 21Suurennos 31Suurennos 41Suurennos 12Suurennos 22Suurennos 32Suurennos 42Suurennos 13Suurennos 23Suurennos 33Suurennos 43Suurennos 14Suurennos 24Suurennos 34Suurennos 44

Maanmittaushallituksen arkisto A: 90 Raisio 5/7.


Sami Raninen

The «general parcelling» has been finished: the fields of a farm are no more divided into thin strips residing here and there. On the contrary, each farm has now 1 or 2 big field parcels and some smaller fields. Also the forest and meadow area west of the fields has now been parcelled into segments for the farms. On the map, A stands for Mulli, B for Siiri, C for Knuuti (Nuutila) and D for Konsa farm and their forest divisions, respectively. In the upper right corner of the map you can see the Huhkonkoski Rapids water mill (Reso Qwarn) and taxable outlying areas of Vihtilänpyöli (Wichtilänböle Utbys Skatts jord).

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